I tried to edit the sounds of the traitors radio. I wanted to change the sound of the c4 beep button. So i opened gamemodes\terrortown\entities\entities\ttt_radio\shared.lua
This is my code on the "beeps" line
beeps = {
sound = { Sound("sound/sturm.wav") },
delay = 0.75,
times = {8, 16},
ampl = 70
I copied the soundfile to "steamapps/garrysmod/garrysmod\sound" and of course i added the sound to FastDownload and I can play it via playsound ulx command, but when I press the C4 Button on the Traitor-radio, nothing happens.
What do I have to do? Tried different delays and times but nothing helped so far.
Thanks for any advice
EDIT: Also tried .mp3 Format