Hey there,
There is already such a panel although it does not show info above the players head. The admin command is called mu_admin_panel if I remember it correctly.
For displaying information above players heads take a look at this code snippet I am currently using in a gamemode of mine. It currently only displays the playername aswell as the distance - adjust to fit your needs. (I think I found it somewhere on FP forums.)
function HoveringNames()
if not LocalPlayer():IsAdmin() then return end
for _, target in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
if target:Alive() and target != LocalPlayer() then
local targetPos = target:GetPos() + Vector(0,0,84)
local targetDistance = math.floor((LocalPlayer():GetPos():Distance( targetPos ))/40)
local targetScreenpos = targetPos:ToScreen()
draw.SimpleText(target:Nick(), "Trebuchet18", tonumber(targetScreenpos.x), tonumber(targetScreenpos.y), Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
draw.SimpleText(targetDistance, "Trebuchet18", tonumber(targetScreenpos.x), tonumber(targetScreenpos.y-10), Color(200,25,25,200), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
hook.Add("HUDPaint", "HoveringNames", HoveringNames)
Hope I pointed you in the right direction,