I've read the FAQ and the topic about the new targeting system, but I am not understanding on how get it to work the way I want to or even if it is possible.
I have these groups; user, Homie, Mod, admin, superadmin, Owner
I would like to give my admins the command "ulx adduser", but I only want them to be able to target the "user" group and only be able to add them to the group "Homie". I don't want them able to target themself, Mods, other admins, superadmins, Owners, or even the Homie group nor do I want them to be able to promote people to the other groups like to mod or admin.
I hope that makes sense as english isn't my first language. Like I said I have read the FAQ on this and still don't understand how to implement this in this particular situation.
Any help would be much appreciated.
EDIT - I see I posted this in the wrong section please move this.