Duplicate discussion. Locking thread. Please use search box in future - search word "jobs" from index page of developers corner list found below. Thanks.
http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,8005.msg40639.htmlEDIT - Unlocked.
Poster thinks question isn't same.
They want ulx commands based on job, not jobs based on group.
To me, it is the exact same, just with an additional layer. job > group > commands
From description I linked, adjusting custom checks, RPlayers can't become a job, without that group access, which means they can't run job commands OR the affiliated group commands unless a member of that group or job.
Example, they want job "staff" to have ulx noclip.
The original poster COULD make a GROUP called "staff" that would either inherit another group that has noclip access, OR, heck, call the group staff and make the job and group name the same.
Hopefully someone with more DarkRP experience can point this person in the right direction.