Hello, Some of my Staff members has regusted a new command that displays the steamID of a player !steamid PLAYER_NAME. I am have the command, and it works, but if the player has disconnect. the command wont work.
So if anyone of you guys can help me/give me a hint for how i can do it so i can get the steamid of a disconnected player aslong they have been on the server.
Here is my code so far.
local CATEGORY_NAME = "Broccoli's custom commands."
function ulx.steam_id ( calling_ply, target_ply )
local steamid = tostring ( target_ply:SteamID() )
Msg ( steamid )
ulx.fancyLogAdmin ( calling_ply, true, "#A's The players steam id #T's SteamID ( "..steamid.." ) ", target_ply )
local steam_id = ulx.command ( CATEGORY_NAME, "ulx steamid", ulx.steam_id, "!steamid" )
steam_id:addParam { type = ULib.cmds.PlayerArg }
steam_id:defaultAccess( ULib.ACCESS_SUPERADMIN )
steam_id:help ( "Displays the Steamid of the player in chat." )
(Might have posted this in the wrong area)