Its actually going to be both-- The server will send it to clients, so that both admins and non-admins alike can use it

(Will disable buttons and stuff if players don't have access to certain features--)
EDIT: I'm also hijacking this post and putting the original first post here.Hey everyone! I've been working on a much-needed GUI for ULX, which I decided to call XGUI ... for reasons unknown. My main goal is to include every possible feature of ULX, while keeping it as simple and easy to use as possible. Its also going to be modular, allowing people who make ULX addons (like UTeam, UPS, etc.) can have a spot to easily change settings, or even have their own 'Tab' page if necessary. Even though this really is my first serious lua project, I'm also going to be working with the other ULX devs to make this the official GUI for ULX

(and by that, I mean I have to make sure the code is clean, it looks nice and is well commented, etc..)
I will be posting screenshots, information, and post the code so that you guys can try it, give feedback on things you would like added/changed/etc.
So here's what I've got so far:
The menu will be useable by admins and non-admins. It basically consists of a tab sheet with the following tabs:
Players Tab:

For non-admins, this screen will show a list of connected players, and allow for sending private messages (and possibly a few other things, not 100% sure yet). Admins will also be able to perform user actions here such as kick, slap, slay, ban, votebans, etc. and maybe even allow/deny certain tools, commands, etc. per player here. I'm still working on a good way to layout all this information, hence why this is mostly unfinished. But hey, its a work in progress, just stay tuned!

Admins Tab:

For non-admins, this screen will show all admins on the server and their online/offline status, as well as allow them to send private messages to all admins. Admins will be able to send messages to all via tsay, csay, etc, send console commands to server, and manage players' groups. You can add offline admins using SteamID, or when players are online, you are given a simple dialog box to change the group. If a certain person is an admin already and they are offline, you can use the simple dialog to change their group without having to lookup their steamID! This page should be completed, however there are probably a few bugs and things that need to be reworked for better performance and management of groups.
Maps Tab:

For non admins, you will be able to view which maps are available on the server (and see the thumbnails

), and start a votemap on a map. Admins can select a map (or multiple maps) to initiate a vote on, and they can just force a map change on the selected map. I'm debating whether to put settings here for map votes, as there is some blank space...
And that's all I have so far! Other tabs I'm planning on including are for server settings, limits, a page to manage bans, a page to manage groups and their permissions, and a page for viewing and filtering through the ULX logs. This is still a major WIP, so none of this could be the same by the time I'm done!
Anyways, for you guys adventurous to try it out, you can grab the files from here: 09/07/09
I update progress status as the forum goes, so this first post is a bit out of date, but here's some important changes to note:
This is now in an addon format-- simply make a folder called 'xgui' in your addons folder, and put the info.txt and lua folders there.
You can now toggle open/close XGUI by using 'xgui' or 'xgui toggle' in console.
You can also use 'xgui open' and 'xgui close' to open and close it.
Anyways, good luck, please give any feedback/ideas/suggestions/questions you have! The community input will help make this the most easy to use GUI out there!
EDIT: (Yes, the code is probably a mess, my first priority is getting it up and running and functioning, then I'll worry about cleanup haha)
EDIT 2: New update!
Check out the latest screenshots here!