Author Topic: ULX minimum and max ban time HELP  (Read 2670 times)

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ULX minimum and max ban time HELP
« on: February 19, 2014, 12:50:01 PM »
Hello! I am sorting out some permissions for one of my groups.

I tried a lot of different things.

I want a specific group to be able to voteban everyone but !%operator but only for 120 minutes.

I tried:

ulx groupallow Enforcer "ulx voteban" "!%operator 120" - Now they can only voteban for 120 minutes and above.
ulx groupallow Enforcer "ulx voteban" "!%operator 1 120" - Now they can only voteban for 1 minute.

I also tried

ulx groupallow Enforcer "ulx voteban" "!%operator 1~120"

and a lot of other stuff.

I just can't make it, so they can voteban from 1 minute to a maximum of 120.

Please help!

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Re: ULX minimum and max ban time HELP
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2014, 02:14:53 PM »
If I'm remembering right, we use the colon when doing number ranges:
Code: [Select]
ulx groupallow Enforcer "ulx voteban" "!%operator 1:120"
Also, there's a way to set these up in XGUI- Go to the groups tab, select the "Enforcer" group, click on "Manage Permissions", then select "ulx voteban", and edit as you please.  ;D
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Re: ULX minimum and max ban time HELP
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2014, 02:40:39 PM »
Hello! I am sorting out some permissions for one of my groups.

I tried a lot of different things.

I want a specific group to be able to voteban everyone but !%operator but only for 120 minutes.

I tried:

ulx groupallow Enforcer "ulx voteban" "!%operator 120" - Now they can only voteban for 120 minutes and above.
ulx groupallow Enforcer "ulx voteban" "!%operator 1 120" - Now they can only voteban for 1 minute.

I also tried

ulx groupallow Enforcer "ulx voteban" "!%operator 1~120"

and a lot of other stuff.

I just can't make it, so they can voteban from 1 minute to a maximum of 120.

Please help!

Having a group name with capital letters breaks the inheritance system. You should lowercase the name if possible.
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