Trouble in Terrorist Town Commands for ULX
The ReturnI'm back with more free time and a want to work on these again you can find the original thread
The LegacyThis addon
WAS a joint effort from
Bender180 and
Skillz to bring you the best ulx commands for ttt possible, I do not believe skillz will be returning with me as i think he is still busy with other projects, but he still deserves credit for all the hard work he did here.
What I need:I've been away from TTT for a while (just started getting back into it), I need suggestions. What do you want to see added to these commands, what will benefit your server?
Anyway here are the commands,
The CommandsAdmin CommandsRespawning Commands- ulx respawn <player> - Respawns target player while un-identifying the corpse and removing it, the command will also check for credits left of the body (if any) and respawn the player with them. has silent echos opposite
- ulx respawntp <player> - Respawns the target player at the location the admin is looking.
Role Forcing- ulx force <player> <pram> Prams: innocent, traitor detective - Changes target players role to the pram specified and gives the appropriate amount of credits. has silent echos opposite
- ulx forcenr <player> <pram> Prams: traitor detective, unmark - carries out the action specified in the following round to next round force traitor/detective the group must have permission to ulx force. Echos silently
AFK Players- ulx fspec <player> - forces the target player into the afk mode similar to how the gamemode would.
- ulx unafk <player> - forces the target player back into player mode (opposite to the afk command.)
Misc- ulx karma <player> <value> - changes target players karma to the specified value.
- ulx slaynr <player> <amount> - carries out the set amount of slays at every round start
- ulx identify/ ulx unidentify<player> - Identifies or identifies a players corpse (Thanks Neku)
- ulx removebody <player> - Removes a players corpse (Thanks Neku)
- ulx impairnr <player> <amount> - Impairs a players health by given amount the next round (Thanks Decicus)
- ulx roundrestart - Restarts the current round.
Fun Commands- ulx credits <player> <value> - gives specified value of credits to the target player.
Voting Commands- ulx votenrs <player> - Triggers a vote to slay the player the following round.
- ulx votefs <player> - Triggers a vote to force a player to spectator mode.
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