Heyo everyone some of you may know this Script to Make the Ranks run on MySQL:
http://pastebin.com/BAi9YGre but it isnt working.. i try to fix it but well .. i just get an error message when i try to use ulx.adduserid()
Thats the Error:
lua_run ulx.adduserid(nil,'STEAM_0:0:65265978','owner')
> ulx.adduserid(nil,'STEAM_0:0:65265978','owner')...
[ULX] lua/ulx/log.lua:476: bad argument #2 to 'format' (number expected, got stri
1format - [C]:-1
2. unknown - lua/ulx/log.lua:476
3. gsub - [C]:-1
4. fancyLogAdmin - lua/ulx/log
5. adduserid - lua/ulx/modules/sh/user.lua:77
6. unknown - lua_run:1
Does someone of you know why?