Author Topic: EDM fans - constructive opinions/reviews wanted  (Read 2479 times)

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EDM fans - constructive opinions/reviews wanted
« on: November 06, 2016, 05:27:23 PM »
I came across this EDM producer "The Jordan Castle" on Soundcloud.
He has several tracks that are all over the EDM genre map (most seem to lean to D&B, or even when not, most have heavy bass in them).

For the next 2-3 weeks, tell what you like, dislike.
Try to spend some time listening to a good portion of the longer tracks.
(I like most transitions within the longer ones, some are a bit 'what??', but overall good)

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Re: EDM fans - constructive opinions/reviews wanted
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2016, 08:23:15 AM »
Disclaimer(s): This turned to be more of a rant than I intended. I have a general negative view towards popular "EDM" (much like pop music), mostly because the music I most enjoy is stuff that is unique, creative, and/or I can tell that the artist actually put some effort into it and are not just trying to copy the current "trends".

That being said, digging through this guy's collection, the "Feel Good Mix" and "Charlotte Competition Mix" seem to be just mixes of other peoples work (he likely has some original work/remixes in there, but with no tracklist I can't tell). This tells me that he is a DJ turned music producer (see below).

The rest of his stuff is originals or (mostly) remixes- Out of all of those, the remixes are my favorite since there's more melody to them (he seems to like the Trap genre, which I am not keen on), but those melodies come from the original artists, and likely not from this guy. (Side rant: I've seen far too many "remixes" that are literally HEAVY BASS AWESOME PART then short break of pretty much a copy of a verse from the remixed song, followed by buildup, followed by more COMPLETELY UNRELATED HEAVY BASS AWESOME PART THAT SOUNDS NOTHING LIKE THE ORIGINAL SONG. lol).

Anyways, mostly this is me ranting about what I like. :P But, my honest opinion: I just see another EDM artist jumping on the bandwagon. He seems to do more DJing than music production, but in this industry, in order to be a "successful" DJ, you have to have your own music, so I've seen a lot of small name DJs attempt to make their own music, to mixed results.

Side recommendation: I've always enjoyed BT as an artist, because he does what he wants to, and really knows his way around audio technology and coming up with new sounds. Sure, not all of his music is instant-danceable-party-time (which you just need sometimes ;) ) but, the uniqueness keeps me coming back and listening to it year after year. For reference, here's two new "tracks" on his upcoming (unnamed) "experimental" album. Set aside a good chunk of time to listen to each whole track if you can:
BT - ? (Ohm. Apparently our forums do not support unicode in posts?)
BT - Artifacture

And a couple other links if you want to dig around more:
BT - 13 Angels on my Broken Windowsill (Also "experimental", but very dubsteppy)
BT - A Song Across Wires (Album Sampler) (A few tracks from a more 'mainstream' album)

Side recommendation #2: To bring this thread sorta back on topic, 'Savant' is an artist that has some pretty neat super bassy type stuff. Haven't dug through too much of his stuff, but I like most of what I hear:
Savant - Butterfly
Savant - Fat Cat Shuffle
« Last Edit: November 07, 2016, 08:26:34 AM by Stickly Man! »
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Re: EDM fans - constructive opinions/reviews wanted
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2016, 08:25:47 PM »
Stickly Man, right, so, uh, summarized - this person is ok with making use of others work, but to stand out, they need to do their own thing.
Interesting. 3/4ths the stuff I like is X remixing others Y with Z mixed in.

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Re: EDM fans - constructive opinions/reviews wanted
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2016, 07:47:58 AM »
He has a song called "Wartortle" so he can't be all that bad. ;)

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