Author Topic: Dedicated Server Issues w/ ULX Modules Loading  (Read 7892 times)

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Offline KingdomScythe

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Dedicated Server Issues w/ ULX Modules Loading
« on: December 29, 2016, 12:10:25 PM »
So I recently purchased a Dedicated Server to host my Gmod Server as it was recommended to me by various people to do so. Upon transferring all of my server files from my previous Windows 10 VPS to my current Ubuntu 15.10 server, I noticed that it takes an unreasonably long time for the server to successfully load. After it loads the ULX modules, it's as if the server freezes for a few minutes. This happens on Server Start, Map Change and anything involving having to reload modules.

Dedicated Server Specs

Intel Xeon E3-1220v1 (3.1 GHz / 3.4 GHz Turbo)


Ubuntu 15.10


1Gbit Port w/ 33TB Transfer

Link to Dedicated Server Purchase Page (So you can see anything I didn't include)

Information Requested

My ULib/ULX versions (run "ulx version" in console)
ULib v2.61d
ULX v3.71d

Game mode(s) I am having this problem on
Trouble in Terrorist Town

Lua errors shown in console, if any
Code: [Select]
There are no errors being shown.

Addons On My Server

Addons in /addons/

Contents of my resources.lua file
Code: [Select]
resource.AddWorkshop( '429578926' ) -- TTT Warehouses
resource.AddWorkshop( '110656185' ) -- TTT Terrorception
resource.AddWorkshop( '280621102' ) -- TTT Classrooms
resource.AddWorkshop( '774394866' ) -- TTT Asylum
resource.AddWorkshop( '264985131' ) -- TTT Suburb
resource.AddWorkshop( '802015788' ) -- Blink for TTT
resource.AddWorkshop( '801433502' ) -- Defibrillator for TTT
resource.AddWorkshop( '291180158' ) -- TTT - The Vampire
resource.AddWorkshop( '672173225' ) -- TTT A Second Chance
resource.AddWorkshop( '646754302' ) -- [TTT/Sandbox] Gauss Rifle
resource.AddWorkshop( '680737032' ) -- TTT Prop Exploder
resource.AddWorkshop( '610632051' ) -- TTT Advanced Disguiser
resource.AddWorkshop( '648957314' ) -- TTT Homerun Bat
resource.AddWorkshop( '648037636' ) -- Adrenaline TTT Jihad
resource.AddWorkshop( '194965598' ) -- TTT Weapon Collection
resource.AddWorkshop( '580870055' ) -- ttt_magma_v2b
resource.AddWorkshop( '127865722' ) -- Trouble in Terrorist Town ULX Commands
resource.AddWorkshop( '253297309' ) -- ttt_airbus_b3
resource.AddWorkshop( '253304826' ) -- ttt_camel_v1
resource.AddWorkshop( '213342163' ) -- ttt_67thway_v5_2014
resource.AddWorkshop( '253292930' ) -- ttt_cluedo_b5_improved1
resource.AddWorkshop( '183797802' ) -- TTT_island_2013
resource.AddWorkshop( '260153473' ) -- ttt_mc_mineshaft
resource.AddWorkshop( '248583089' ) -- CS:GO HE Grenade for TTT
resource.AddWorkshop( '296385367' ) -- Hitmarkers for Gmod!
resource.AddWorkshop( '159321088' ) -- ttt_minecraft_b5
resource.AddWorkshop( '214511049' ) -- ttt_trappycottage_b2
resource.AddWorkshop( '300375321' ) -- Gun Stats for TTT and DarkRP
resource.AddWorkshop( '609007212' ) -- TTT Toxin Pack
resource.AddWorkshop( '195227686' ) -- TTT_Dolls
resource.AddWorkshop( '253736374' ) -- [TTT] AUG (CS:S)
resource.AddWorkshop( '253737433' ) -- [TTT] Detective P90 (CS:S)
resource.AddWorkshop( '634300147' ) -- [TTT] Dual Elites (CS:S)
resource.AddWorkshop( '253736639' ) -- [TTT] Famas (CS:S)
resource.AddWorkshop( '253736787' ) -- [TTT] G3SG1 (CS:S)
resource.AddWorkshop( '253736902' ) -- [TTT] Galil (CS:S)
resource.AddWorkshop( '253737175' ) -- [TTT] M3S90 (CS:S)
resource.AddWorkshop( '253737302' ) -- [TTT] MP5 (CS:S)
resource.AddWorkshop( '253737636' ) -- [TTT] P228 (CS:S)
resource.AddWorkshop( '635030422' ) -- [TTT] SG550 (CS:S)
resource.AddWorkshop( '253737741' ) -- [TTT] SG552 (CS:S)
resource.AddWorkshop( '253737973' ) -- [TTT] TMP (CS:S)
resource.AddWorkshop( '312489252' ) -- Tda Shadow Miku Append (v2)
resource.AddWorkshop( '235640846' ) -- Pokemon Origins Red
resource.AddWorkshop( '534045470' ) -- SSB4 - Yoshi Playermodel and NPC
resource.AddWorkshop( '148628139' ) -- Daft Punk Player Models
resource.AddWorkshop( '739308623' ) -- Harley Quinn - Suicide Squad (Player Model)
resource.AddWorkshop( '400762901' ) -- Arkham Origins Joker NPC/playermodel
resource.AddWorkshop( '819421137' ) -- Cultist Playermodel & Ragdoll
resource.AddWorkshop( '686457995' ) -- [TTT] Round End - Slow Motion
resource.AddWorkshop( '281454209' ) -- ttt_Clue_se
resource.AddWorkshop( '212055526' ) -- TTT Maps: Minecraft City V3
resource.AddWorkshop( '534491717' ) -- ttt_rooftops_2016
resource.AddWorkshop( '157420728' ) -- ttt_waterworld
resource.AddWorkshop( '162581348' ) -- TTT - Defibrillator
resource.AddWorkshop( '643230441' ) -- [TTT/Sandbox] Mine Turtle (Proximity Mine)
resource.AddWorkshop( '422193735' ) -- TTT Grav Nade
resource.AddWorkshop( '380655813' ) -- TTT Detective Rifle
resource.AddWorkshop( '654570222' ) -- TTT Banana Bomb
resource.AddWorkshop( '233967112' ) -- ttt_ManhackSpawner
resource.AddWorkshop( '205723790' ) -- TTT - Portable Tester
resource.AddWorkshop( '239995381' ) -- [TTT] M4A1
resource.AddWorkshop( '319893664' ) -- Binanchi AR2 SWEP
resource.AddWorkshop( '107087351' ) -- Mileena npc & playermodel
resource.AddWorkshop( '436824713' ) -- Moira Burton (RER2) [player/npc]
resource.AddWorkshop( '241187700' ) -- TRON Anon Playermodel
resource.AddWorkshop( '403874382' ) -- Watch Dogs - Defalt Playermodel
resource.AddWorkshop( '460153765' ) -- Saints Row The Third Cyber Decker Playermodel/Npc
resource.AddWorkshop( '457212613' ) -- STAR WARS Emperor Palpatine Playermodel
resource.AddWorkshop( '659329169' ) -- Lord Voldemort Playermodel
resource.AddWorkshop( '226312488' ) -- [Offical] Autopromote (APromote) for ULX
resource.AddWorkshop( '337994500' ) -- Lykrast's TTT Weapon Collection
resource.AddWorkshop( '180601311' ) -- Jack Skellington Player and NPC
resource.AddWorkshop( '310403737' ) -- Prop Disguiser
Owner of Stitched-Up Gaming Network
Server Steam Group | Server Website | My Steam Profile

Offline KingdomScythe

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Re: Dedicated Server Issues w/ ULX Modules Loading
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2016, 12:12:09 PM »
Also, if needed I can provide a member of staff or someone who is trusted in the community temporary access to the gmodserver ssh/rdp account.

I'm running the server by using GameServerManagers.
Owner of Stitched-Up Gaming Network
Server Steam Group | Server Website | My Steam Profile

Offline roastchicken

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Re: Dedicated Server Issues w/ ULX Modules Loading
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2016, 01:01:56 PM »
Could you supply us with the console logs of a server startup?
Give a man some code and you help him for a day; teach a man to code and you help him for a lifetime.

Offline KingdomScythe

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Re: Dedicated Server Issues w/ ULX Modules Loading
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2016, 01:41:38 PM »
Could you supply us with the console logs of a server startup?

Yeah, the server freezes constantly at the following location in the startup/mapchange though. It doesn't show the fact that it freezes in the console logs.

Here is the log from the latest startup. *Note: The errors for Spectrum and Prometheus are due to some issues with my webhost not accepting the connection from the new IP address, the other errors are the same as on my VPS where it ran just fine.

Code: [Select]
Unknown command "./gmodserver"
FIND [/home/css/serverfiles/cstrike/*.vpk]
ADDING [/home/css/serverfiles/cstrike/cstrike_pak_000.vpk]
Adding Path: [/home/css/serverfiles/cstrike]
Couldn't load shader dll: game_shader_generic_garrysmod_srv.soConVarRef mat_dxlevel doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Game_srv.so loaded for "Garry's Mod"
Initializing Steam libraries for Workshop..
Fetching Workshop Addons..
Calling GetCollectionDetails
Collection has 76 Addons
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   Public IP is
Assigned anonymous gameserver Steam ID [A-1:1272723457(7924)].
Mounting Addon 'TTT Warehouses' (429578926)
Mounting Addon 'TTT Terrorception' (110656185)
Mounting Addon 'TTT Classrooms' (280621102)
Mounting Addon 'TTT Asylum' (774394866)
Mounting Addon 'TTT Suburb' (264985131)
Mounting Addon 'Blink for TTT' (802015788)
Mounting Addon 'Defibrillator for TTT' (801433502)
Mounting Addon 'TTT - The Vampire' (291180158)
Mounting Addon 'Lykrast's TTT Weapon Collection' (337994500)
Mounting Addon 'TTT A Second Chance' (672173225)
Mounting Addon '[TTT/Sandbox] Gauss Rifle' (646754302)
Mounting Addon 'TTT Prop Exploder' (680737032)
Mounting Addon 'TTT Advanced Disguiser' (610632051)
Mounting Addon 'TTT Homerun Bat' (648957314)
Mounting Addon 'Adrenaline TTT Jihad' (648037636)
Mounting Addon 'TTT Weapon Collection' (194965598)
Mounting Addon 'ttt_magma_v2b' (580870055)
Mounting Addon 'Trouble in Terrorist Town ULX Commands' (127865722)
Mounting Addon 'ttt_airbus_b3' (253297309)
Mounting Addon 'ttt_camel_v1' (253304826)
Mounting Addon 'ttt_67thway_v5_2014' (213342163)
Mounting Addon 'ttt_cluedo_b5_improved1' (253292930)
Mounting Addon 'TTT_island_2013' (183797802)
Mounting Addon 'ttt_mc_mineshaft' (260153473)
Mounting Addon 'CS:GO HE Grenade for TTT' (248583089)
Mounting Addon 'Hitmarkers for Gmod!' (296385367)
Mounting Addon 'ttt_minecraft_b5' (159321088)
Mounting Addon 'ttt_trappycottage_b2' (214511049)
Mounting Addon 'Gun Stats for TTT and DarkRP' (300375321)
Mounting Addon 'MapVote - Fretta-like Map Voting' (151583504)
Mounting Addon 'TTT Toxin Pack' (609007212)
Mounting Addon 'TTT_Dolls' (195227686)
Mounting Addon '[TTT] AUG (CS:S)' (253736374)
Mounting Addon '[TTT] Detective P90 (CS:S)' (253737433)
Mounting Addon '[TTT] Dual Elites (CS:S)' (634300147)
Mounting Addon '[TTT] Famas (CS:S)' (253736639)
Mounting Addon '[TTT] G3SG1 (CS:S)' (253736787)
Mounting Addon '[TTT] Galil (CS:S)' (253736902)
Mounting Addon '[TTT] M3S90 (CS:S)' (253737175)
Mounting Addon '[TTT] MP5 (CS:S)' (253737302)
Mounting Addon '[TTT] P228 (CS:S)' (253737636)
Mounting Addon '[TTT] SG550 (CS:S)' (635030422)
Mounting Addon '[TTT] SG552 (CS:S)' (253737741)
Mounting Addon '[TTT] TMP (CS:S)' (253737973)
Mounting Addon 'Tda Shadow Miku Append (v2)' (312489252)
Mounting Addon 'Pokemon Origins Red' (235640846)
Mounting Addon 'SSB4 - Yoshi Playermodel and NPC' (534045470)
Mounting Addon 'Daft Punk Player Models' (148628139)
Mounting Addon 'Harley Quinn - Suicide Squad (Player Model)' (739308623)
Mounting Addon 'Arkham Origins Joker NPC/playermodel' (400762901)
Mounting Addon 'Cultist Playermodel & Ragdoll' (819421137)
Mounting Addon '[TTT] Round End - Slow Motion' (686457995)
Mounting Addon 'ttt_Clue_se' (281454209)
Mounting Addon 'TTT Maps: Minecraft City V3' (212055526)
Mounting Addon 'ttt_rooftops_2016' (534491717)
Mounting Addon 'ttt_waterworld' (157420728)
Mounting Addon 'TTT - Defibrillator' (162581348)
Mounting Addon '[TTT/Sandbox] Mine Turtle (Proximity Mine)' (643230441)
Mounting Addon 'TTT Grav Nade' (422193735)
Mounting Addon 'TTT Detective Rifle' (380655813)
Mounting Addon 'TTT Banana Bomb' (654570222)
Mounting Addon 'ttt_ManhackSpawner' (233967112)
Mounting Addon 'TTT - Portable Tester' (205723790)
Mounting Addon '[TTT] M4A1' (239995381)
Mounting Addon 'Binanchi AR2 SWEP' (319893664)
Mounting Addon 'Mileena npc & playermodel' (107087351)
Mounting Addon 'Moira Burton (RER2) [player/npc]' (436824713)
Mounting Addon 'TRON Anon Playermodel' (241187700)
Mounting Addon 'Watch Dogs - Defalt Playermodel' (403874382)
Mounting Addon 'Saints Row The Third Cyber Decker Playermodel/Npc' (460153765)
Mounting Addon 'STAR WARS Emperor Palpatine Playermodel' (457212613)
Mounting Addon 'Lord Voldemort Playermodel' (659329169)
Mounting Addon '[Offical] Autopromote (APromote) for ULX' (226312488)
Mounting Addon 'Jack Skellington Player and NPC' (180601311)
Mounting Addon 'Nyangun for TTT' (410289954)
Mounting Addon 'TTT - Prop Disguiser' (310403737)
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/adv-name-matching'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/atlaschat'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/awarn2'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/ban-message'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/interrogation'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/loadout-menu'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/lykrast-weapon-collection'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/mapvote'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/pointshop-extras-master'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/pointshop-master'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/pointshop-subcategories'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/power-rounds'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/prometheus'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/spectrum-ban-management'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/steamrewards'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/ttt-damagelogs'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/ttt-easy-scoreboard'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/ttt-spectator-dm'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/ulib-master'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/ulx-custom-commands'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/ulx-master'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/ulx-misc'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/ulx-playurlsound'
Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/utime'
Unknown command "logging"
Changing gamemode to Trouble in Terrorist Town (terrortown)
Unknown command "cl_cmdrate"
Unknown command "cl_updaterate"
Unknown command "rate"
Usage: sv_setsteamaccount <login_token>
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Map file wasn't found, copying it from addon..
Map file wasn't found, copying it from addon..
Atlas chat version 2.4.1 has loaded!
HTTP failed - ISteamHTTP isn't available!
Error! Variable "$blendtintbybasealpha" is multiply defined in material "models/dpfilms/characters/mileena/color"!
Error! Variable "$blendtintcoloroverbase" is multiply defined in material "models/dpfilms/characters/mileena/color"!
|| ||
|| Loading  Prometheus ||
|| ||
|| ||
|| tmysql 4 loaded ||
|| ||
|| loaded succesfully ||
|| ||
//      Ulysses Library      //
// Loading...                //
//  shared/defines.lua       //
//  shared/misc.lua          //
//  shared/util.lua          //
//  shared/hook.lua          //
//  shared/table.lua         //
//  shared/player.lua        //
//  server/player.lua        //
//  shared/messages.lua      //
//  shared/commands.lua      //
//  server/concommand.lua    //
//  server/util.lua          //
//  shared/sh_ucl.lua        //
//  server/ucl.lua           //
//  server/phys.lua          //
//  server/player_ext.lua    //
//  server/entity_ext.lua    //
//  shared/plugin.lua        //
//  shared/cami_global.lua   //
//  shared/cami_ulib.lua     //
// Load Complete!            //
[ULIB] Loading SHARED module: ulx_init.lua
//       ULX Admin Mod       //
// Loading...                //
//  sh_defines.lua           //
//  lib.lua                  //
//  base.lua                 //
//  sh_base.lua              //
//  log.lua                  //
//  MODULE: slots.lua        //
//  MODULE: uteam.lua        //
//  MODULE: votemap.lua      //
//  MODULE: xgui_server.lua  //
// ULX GUI -- by Stickly Man //
// Adding Main Modules..     //
//  bans.lua                 //
//  commands.lua             //
//  groups.lua               //
//  maps.lua                 //
//  settings.lua             //
// Adding Setting Modules..  //
//  cl_apromote.lua          //
//  client.lua               //
//  server.lua               //
// Adding Gamemode Modules.. //
//  sandbox.lua              //
//  terrortown.lua           //
// Loading Server Modules..  //
//  sv_apromote.lua          //
//  sv_bans.lua              //
//  sv_groups.lua            //
//  sv_maps.lua              //
//  sv_sandbox.lua           //
//  sv_settings.lua          //
//  sv_terrortown.lua        //
// XGUI modules added!       //
//  MODULE: cc_chat.lua      //
//  MODULE: cc_commandtable.lua//
//  MODULE: cc_effects.lua   //
//  MODULE: cc_fun.lua       //
//  MODULE: cc_hook.lua      //
//  MODULE: cc_menus.lua     //
//  MODULE: cc_notepad.lua   //
//  MODULE: cc_pgag.lua      //
//  MODULE: cc_rcon.lua      //
//  MODULE: cc_soundlist.lua //
//  MODULE: cc_teleport.lua  //
//  MODULE: cc_util.lua      //
//  MODULE: cc_voting.lua    //
//  MODULE: chat.lua         //
//  MODULE: essentials.lua   //
//  MODULE: extended.lua     //
//  MODULE: fun.lua          //
//  MODULE: mapvote.lua      //
//  MODULE: menus.lua        //
//  MODULE: playthesound.lua //
//  MODULE: playurl.lua      //
//  MODULE: rcon.lua         //
//  MODULE: teleport.lua     //
//  MODULE: ttt_admin.lua    //
//  MODULE: ttt_fun.lua      //
//  MODULE: ttt_voting.lua   //
//  MODULE: user.lua         //
//  MODULE: usercmd.lua      //
//  MODULE: userhelp.lua     //
//  MODULE: util.lua         //
//  MODULE: vote.lua         //
//  end.lua                  //
// Load Complete!            //
Spectrum was unable to connect to the database:
Error: Can't connect to MySQL server on 's3.dedicatedpanel.net' (110)
ServerLog: AWarn: Loading module (awarn_settings.lua)
ServerLog: AWarn: Loading module (awarn_sql.lua)
Included TTT language file: chef.lua
Included TTT language file: english.lua
Included TTT language file: german.lua
Included TTT language file: portuguese.lua
Included TTT language file: russian.lua
Included TTT language file: spanish.lua
Included TTT language file: swedish.lua
Included TTT language file: tradchinese.lua
[AddCSLuaFile] Invalid Filename 'weapon_ttt_knife.lua~' (@gamemodes/terrortown/entities/weapons/weapon_ttt_knife.lua~ (line 1))
Banana Bomb V1.0 loaded
[ULX] ERROR: Tried to add nonexistent or empty file to forced downloads 'sound/songs'
HTTP failed - ISteamHTTP isn't available!
Trouble In Terrorist Town gamemode initializing...
This is TTT version 2016-04-20
Making workshop map available for client download
ConVarRef room_type doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Executing dedicated server config file server.cfg
Using map cycle file cfg/mapcycle.txt.
Attempted to create unknown entity type weapon_tmp!
Can't init weapon_tmp
Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
Can't init info_ladder
Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
Can't init info_ladder
Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
Can't init info_ladder
Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
Can't init info_ladder
Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
Can't init info_ladder
Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
Can't init info_ladder
Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
Can't init info_ladder
Attempted to create unknown entity type func_bomb_target!
Can't init func_bomb_target
Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
Can't init info_ladder
Attempted to create unknown entity type func_buyzone!
Can't init func_buyzone
Attempted to create unknown entity type func_buyzone!
Can't init func_buyzone
Attempted to create unknown entity type func_buyzone!
Can't init func_buyzone
Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
Can't init info_ladder
Attempted to create unknown entity type weapon_mac10!
Can't init weapon_mac10
MDLCache: weapons/w_pRifle.mdl uses a different model version to the engine (got 49, expected 48)
MDLCache: weapons/v_pRifle.mdl uses a different model version to the engine (got 49, expected 48)
Nav File is wrong or something (1)
Initializing Steam libraries for secure Internet server
No account token specified; logging into anonymous game server account.  (Use sv_setsteamaccount to login to a persistent account.)
Unknown command "logging"
Unknown command "sbox_maxspawners"
Unknown command "sbox_maxturrets"
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   Public IP is
Assigned anonymous gameserver Steam ID [A-1:1331054597(7924)].
VAC secure mode is activated.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2016, 01:45:14 PM by KingdomScythe »
Owner of Stitched-Up Gaming Network
Server Steam Group | Server Website | My Steam Profile

Offline JamminR

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Re: Dedicated Server Issues w/ ULX Modules Loading
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2016, 03:52:49 PM »
Your amount of addons, both ULX and Non-ULX related, makes troubleshooting any server startup challenging.
Does your server start normally without any addons or workshop subscriptions?

Several troubleshooting recommendations.

First, rule out it's ULib (or ULX) causing the issue - shut server down, remove/unsubscribe the ULib and ULX addon, and restart.
Yes, this will break any staff structure you have that weren't added by you manually to Gmod's default '/settings/users.txt', but at least you/we'll know.
Does server halt on load?

If removing fixes, let's make sure a non-vanilla ULX module isn't causing issue.
Add ULib and ULX back, then try removing ALL non-vanilla 3rd party addons for ULib/ULX.
That is, ONLY try using stuff TeamUlysses has written.
Heck, even if we've written it, just use ULib and ULX.
If removing all the non-TeamUlysses addons fixes, great. You know your issue. Start troubleshooting those.

IF you still have issue when only having ULib and ULX, make sure your autopromote hasn't ruined you.
Many times we've seen lag due to (too large) /data/ulib/users.txt, due mainly to the (imo) poorly conceived and/or configured addon
Mounting Addon '[Offical] Autopromote (APromote) for ULX' (226312488)
I understand wanting to reward players for staying/coming back, but too many times I believe people set these auto promotion limits entirely too low.
Or, without an active good working AFK script, people join your server before going out/to bed for the day and climb into the autopromoted ranks, filling files.
Not knowing your config, you may be subject to that large file.

Add Ulib/ULX back.
Remove, after backing up, your /data/ulib/users.txt
(sounds like you already have backups available elsewhere)
Start server back up - does it halt/freeze?
If not, shutdown server, write back your users.txt file?
Freeze again?
Yes? Likely time to clean users/start fresh and remove autopromote.

Let's start with those two big first projects.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline KingdomScythe

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Re: Dedicated Server Issues w/ ULX Modules Loading
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2016, 08:15:01 PM »
Your amount of addons, both ULX and Non-ULX related, makes troubleshooting any server startup challenging.
Does your server start normally without any addons or workshop subscriptions?

Several troubleshooting recommendations.

First, rule out it's ULib (or ULX) causing the issue - shut server down, remove/unsubscribe the ULib and ULX addon, and restart.
Yes, this will break any staff structure you have that weren't added by you manually to Gmod's default '/settings/users.txt', but at least you/we'll know.
Does server halt on load?

If removing fixes, let's make sure a non-vanilla ULX module isn't causing issue.
Add ULib and ULX back, then try removing ALL non-vanilla 3rd party addons for ULib/ULX.
That is, ONLY try using stuff TeamUlysses has written.
Heck, even if we've written it, just use ULib and ULX.
If removing all the non-TeamUlysses addons fixes, great. You know your issue. Start troubleshooting those.

IF you still have issue when only having ULib and ULX, make sure your autopromote hasn't ruined you.
Many times we've seen lag due to (too large) /data/ulib/users.txt, due mainly to the (imo) poorly conceived and/or configured addon I understand wanting to reward players for staying/coming back, but too many times I believe people set these auto promotion limits entirely too low.
Or, without an active good working AFK script, people join your server before going out/to bed for the day and climb into the autopromoted ranks, filling files.
Not knowing your config, you may be subject to that large file.

Add Ulib/ULX back.
Remove, after backing up, your /data/ulib/users.txt
(sounds like you already have backups available elsewhere)
Start server back up - does it halt/freeze?
If not, shutdown server, write back your users.txt file?
Freeze again?
Yes? Likely time to clean users/start fresh and remove autopromote.

Let's start with those two big first projects.

I apologize for the amount of addons, I'll backup the server as it is now then get to work on what you stated, though I have the following statements/questions:
[1] It isn't due to a vast amount of people in the users file, there's less than 50 different players that have joined the server.
[2] For the autopromote addon, I only use it to promote users to regular once they reach 48 hours. Nothing higher.
[3] The only people actually in a ULX rank (that isn't the default user), are about 10-12 members; 1 custom vip; 2 owners.
[4] If needed I can message you any kind of server.cfg (with the removal of any sensitive information, ie. rcon pass) if needed/if it would help.

I'll get started on trying to sort that out now and I'll post when it's finished.
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