Author Topic: Can someone pease help with my lua problem  (Read 2073 times)

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Offline Shadow Knight

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Can someone pease help with my lua problem
« on: May 21, 2017, 09:51:59 AM »
I have a militaryRP server and i want staff and donators to spawn with phygun and toolgun but its working i put it in this dir garrysmod/lua/server/weapons.lua

Heres my code

function Custom_Loadout( ply )
//All Staff
   if ( ply:IsUserGroup( "owner" ) or ply:IsUserGroup( "community-manager" ) or ply:IsUserGroup( "staff-manager" ) or ply:IsUserGroup( "server-builder" ) or ply:IsUserGroup( "superadmin" ) or ply:IsUserGroup( "admin" ) or ply:IsUserGroup( "moderator" ) or ply:IsUserGroup( "trial-moderator" )) then
      ply:Give( "weapon_physgun" )
      ply:Give( "weapon_tool" )

   if ( ply:IsUserGroup( "donator" ) or ply:IsUserGroup( "donator+" ) or ply:IsUserGroup( "donator++" ))

      ply:Give( "weapon_physgun" )
      ply:Give( "weapon_tool" )

hook.Add( "PlayerLoadout", "CustomGamemodeLoadoutFunction", Custom_Loadout )

An Error Has Occurred!

array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given