So as I'm sure many of you know, in TTT you can get Karma banned or kicked if your Karma falls below a certain level (set by the server). Now, in this ban-syncing addon I'm writing, I need to check if the player was Karma banned because one of my config settings allows to disable syncing bans if the player was Karma banned. After looking in the
TTT Hooks page, I found "TTTKarmaLow" which is
Called when a player is about to be kicked/banned because their karma has gone below the the autokick/ban level specified in the server's configuration
Now, the only thing I can do with this hook is make it return false if I want to stop the kick/ban from happening, but I'm not sure how to check if this hook WAS called or not. I'm not super familiar with hooks, I've only used
hook.Add to do certain things with hooks, but nothing like this. Is there
any way to check if a hook has been called or a way to see if they have been karma banned?
Ok, after legit reading a few lines down, I found how it assigns
ply.karma_kicked = true, so I can check if this variable is true and abort if the config says to.