Author Topic: ULX inheritance doesn't work...  (Read 1622 times)

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Offline BlueYoshi73

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ULX inheritance doesn't work...
« on: July 12, 2017, 12:36:23 AM »
I just want lower ranks to not pick up higher ones...

user - Inherits: none - Can Target: !%TrialMod
TrialMod - Inherits: user - Can Target: !%Mod
Mod - Inherits: TrialMod - Can Target: !%Admin
Admin - Inherits: Mod - Can Target: !%HeadMod
HeadMod - Inherits: Admin - Can Target: !%HeadAdmin
HeadAdmin - Inherits: HeadMod - Can Target: !%superadmin
superadmin - Inherits: HeadAdmin - Can Target: !%ServerManager
ServerManager - Inherits: superadmin - Can Target: !%TrialMod

meanwhile, dumb trial mods can pick up server managers no problem... wth

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Re: ULX inheritance doesn't work...
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2017, 07:34:56 AM »
ServerManager - Inherits: superadmin - Can Target: !%TrialMod

Shouldn't that be ServerManager can_target * for everyone? Secondly, try making all of your group names lowercase.. I can't remember if there are still issues regarding case sensitivity or not.

Secondly, sometimes physgun pickup settings can be affected by the gamemode (DarkRP especially) or other mods. Check other configurations or see if you have issues with any other combination of groups attempting to pick up each other, and let us know what you find.
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Offline BlueYoshi73

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Re: ULX inheritance doesn't work...
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2017, 09:41:17 AM »
Shouldn't that be ServerManager can_target * for everyone? Secondly, try making all of your group names lowercase.. I can't remember if there are still issues regarding case sensitivity or not.

Secondly, sometimes physgun pickup settings can be affected by the gamemode (DarkRP especially) or other mods. Check other configurations or see if you have issues with any other combination of groups attempting to pick up each other, and let us know what you find.


edit: never mind, i had the wrong version...
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 10:51:54 AM by BlueYoshi73 »