I'm currently trying to edit a small portion of the admin chat though unsure the correct way of editing a line of code. The code with format = "[Admin Request] #P: #s" is what I'm trying to edit. I'm trying to make the part the says "[Admin Request]" have a specific color to it while the rest stays the same.
function ulx.asay( calling_ply, message )
local format
local me = "/me "
if message:sub( 1, me:len() ) == me then
format = "(ADMINS) *** #P #s"
message = message:sub( me:len() + 1 )
format = "[Admin Request] #P: #s"
local players = player.GetAll()
for i=#players, 1, -1 do
local v = players[ i ]
if not ULib.ucl.query( v, seeasayAccess ) and v ~= calling_ply then -- Calling player always gets to see the echo
table.remove( players, i )
ulx.fancyLog( players, format, calling_ply, message )
I've attempted of doing this, but of course it doesn't work. Would anyone have the solution of getting what I want to work?
format = Color( 0, 255, 0, 255 ), "[Admin Request] ", .. "#P: #s"