Author Topic: Ideas for ULX v2 ( complete recode )  (Read 27042 times)

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Re: Ideas for ULX v2 ( complete recode )
« Reply #30 on: May 12, 2006, 04:35:25 PM »
Renaming teams is easy.

My ideas:
1. Make it where a person can type a message with a password, granting them ulx admin access (with predefined default access flags). Make sure it doesnt say the message/password to all players. This would also need a admin command for setting this password and (or not) with access flags.
2. Make it VERY plain and simple where steam id's and flags go for admin access (maybe a file in the root directory of mod named "admins.ini"?
3. Make a command for changing yourself to a team (without typing YOUR name)... maybe "ulx_myteam <red,yellow,blue, etc.".

Can't think of anything else...maybe i should register.

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Re: Ideas for ULX v2 ( complete recode )
« Reply #31 on: May 12, 2006, 04:50:14 PM »
Yay, registered. I wrote that above post.

Offline Megiddo

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Re: Ideas for ULX v2 ( complete recode )
« Reply #32 on: May 12, 2006, 05:27:43 PM »
Renaming teams is easy.

My ideas:
1. Make it where a person can type a message with a password, granting them ulx admin access (with predefined default access flags). Make sure it doesnt say the message/password to all players. This would also need a admin command for setting this password and (or not) with access flags.
2. Make it VERY plain and simple where steam id's and flags go for admin access (maybe a file in the root directory of mod named "admins.ini"?
3. Make a command for changing yourself to a team (without typing YOUR name)... maybe "ulx_myteam <red,yellow,blue, etc.".

Can't think of anything else...maybe i should register.

1. With the current GMod, you'd have to type in the password every map change. I talked garry into implementing a new system that will work better in GMod 10 though ;)

2. I support laziness, but not to that degree

3. See #2

Anyways, thanks for the suggestions!
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Re: Ideas for ULX v2 ( complete recode )
« Reply #33 on: May 12, 2006, 07:52:37 PM »
PLEASE make it easier to find access within sweps and other functions!

Offline Diablodoc

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Re: Ideas for ULX v2 ( complete recode )
« Reply #34 on: June 13, 2006, 07:48:49 AM »
I've edited my post, please take a look, i think i explained wrong on a couple things last time, sorry

Could you make ulx_adduser and other user-selecting commands able to use names or IDs? Like:

ulx_adduser 'Frank' j

could you make the ULX remember previous give accesses, so i can add a person with J access, and later on give them K, without overwriting old access? ulx_removeuser could remove the specified accesses.

also a command to add ALL the commands, and remove some, in an easier way, like:

ulx_adduser <userID> all - Access to all commands

ulx_removeuser <userID> all - removes all accesses

And the most important, a command to give a user FULL ACCESS to everything! The ulx_adduser abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz does NOT give me access to the sv_commands, exec commands, sk_ commands, etc. That's very annoying, cause my friend is not that experienced with hosting servers and i need to be able to help him. Examples of how the admin-add could look like:

ulx_admin <userID>

ulx_addadmin <userID>

ulx_adminadd <userID>

And to remove an admin (ONLY accessable by the original admin that made the server) could be like:

ulx_adminremove <userID>

ulx_removeadmin <userID>

ulx_unadmin <userID>

This command will only work on thoose you made admin yourself. Like, if James added Frank as admin, only James or the original admin of the server can remove Frank as the admin, no other admins can do it. The original admin of the server can, of course, remove all others as admin, since he is the original admin and should always have full control. Maybe he could handpick commands that he don't want the other admins to use, like sv_gravity, sk_manhack_health, or whatever...

Disabling certain SWEPs and weapons would also be nice. Disabling certain props too, to avoid spamming with laggy things such as Chimneys, or simply make them available ONLY for admins.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2006, 03:36:07 PM by Diablodoc »

Offline Megiddo

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Re: Ideas for ULX v2 ( complete recode )
« Reply #35 on: June 13, 2006, 02:59:50 PM »
That would be nice... but the user system is going to be completely different. Sorry :P .

I've thought about making gui access to the user system though, I'll have to see how that turns out.
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Offline JamminR

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Re: Ideas for ULX v2 ( complete recode )
« Reply #36 on: June 22, 2006, 04:01:54 PM »
I don't have enough experience to know if any of these are possible. Currently, or, as Megiddo seems to be quite close to Gmod10 development, in the future.
 I'd love to see them included in future versions of ULX.
(all without middleman application if possible)

--- Chat between servers
-To include @admin chat, /p private chat, and normal chat.
-A screen menu showing what players are on the other server, and if possible in new versions of Gmod, click the name (or word all) to send a message to that person (or all) on the other server.
-Each would be configurable on each side(what server (hostname/ip?) to communicate with, on/off, admin only, designation for other server JamminR@HisHangout says: or JamminR@HisFriendsServer says: , etc)

--- Shared ban lists between two (or more?) servers.

--- Shared admin commands between servers
- Kind of includes both of the previous two suggestions, if no admin (or admin with high enough access) is on Server 1, and asks through 'server chat' with admin on Server 2, if the admin on Server 2 is listed as having high enough access on Server 1, be able to kick/ban any user from Server 1.
(easiest way I know to explain it, basically, rcon ban/kick through ULX while on another server)

--- Default 'admin' user configurations
- I understand the user admin/configuration is going to be different, but if access levels of any kind are going to be included, it would be nice to have some 'default' (set by me) that would be added when I add a user through console.
I don't know how many time's I've had to go back and edit what I call a 'basic' level admin manually after I've added them through ulx_adduser because I forgot to add (or leave out) one letter I meant/didn't mean to give.
 (I know I could edit script manually to do this on my own, but as a whole, would be nice feature. Like when you don't provide a ban time, its permanent, 0 is assumed)

--- Easy command access configuration.
-Each time a version of 1.xx comes out, I have to go in and change several internal commands from, for  instance, access_slay to access_kick, because I don't want certain commands used/abused.
-In other words, I want to make it easier for admins to decide what levels do what commands, not just what access is given to an admin.
 Again, I understand that the admin/user configuration is totally changing, but this would be a nice ability.
I have a very basic idea for how to implement this (probably easier than any other I've suggested), but that is a discussion for another topic.

--- Last but not least, FRIENDS CHAT THROUGH 'SAY' main window.
- I hate IM programs. I don't use them. I dislike having to change screens to chat with a friend while I'm in the middle of something else. While surfing pr0, er, playing Gmod, I have to hit my 'escape' key to main menu, then click on whatever chat box. If I could simply see what someone said using my HUD chat type text, then reply by using <Chat key> /F Friend_who_SourceFriend'ed_me message reply , I would love that.

Dang, I had one or two more earlier, but can't think of them right now. More at a later time I guess. (too much now, eh?)

Summarized in case you forgot my first idea :P
--- Chat between servers
--- Shared ban lists between two (or more?) servers.
--- Shared admin commands between servers
--- Default 'admin' user configurations
--- Easy command 'admin access' configuration.
--- Last but not least, Source FRIENDS CHAT THROUGH 'SAY'/main HUD
« Last Edit: June 22, 2006, 04:21:08 PM by JamminR »
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Offline Megiddo

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Re: Ideas for ULX v2 ( complete recode )
« Reply #37 on: July 07, 2006, 07:28:53 AM »
I don't have enough experience to know if any of these are possible. Currently, or, as Megiddo seems to be quite close to Gmod10 development, in the future.
 I'd love to see them included in future versions of ULX.
(all without middleman application if possible)

--- Chat between servers
-To include @admin chat, /p private chat, and normal chat.
-A screen menu showing what players are on the other server, and if possible in new versions of Gmod, click the name (or word all) to send a message to that person (or all) on the other server.
-Each would be configurable on each side(what server (hostname/ip?) to communicate with, on/off, admin only, designation for other server JamminR@HisHangout says: or JamminR@HisFriendsServer says: , etc)

--- Shared ban lists between two (or more?) servers.

--- Shared admin commands between servers
- Kind of includes both of the previous two suggestions, if no admin (or admin with high enough access) is on Server 1, and asks through 'server chat' with admin on Server 2, if the admin on Server 2 is listed as having high enough access on Server 1, be able to kick/ban any user from Server 1.
(easiest way I know to explain it, basically, rcon ban/kick through ULX while on another server)

These are all excellent ideas I'd like to see myself as well, but unfortunately, there aren't enough people running two full servers at a time to justify this. It'd make a great addon though!

--- Default 'admin' user configurations
- I understand the user admin/configuration is going to be different, but if access levels of any kind are going to be included, it would be nice to have some 'default' (set by me) that would be added when I add a user through console.
I don't know how many time's I've had to go back and edit what I call a 'basic' level admin manually after I've added them through ulx_adduser because I forgot to add (or leave out) one letter I meant/didn't mean to give.
 (I know I could edit script manually to do this on my own, but as a whole, would be nice feature. Like when you don't provide a ban time, its permanent, 0 is assumed)

--- Easy command access configuration.
-Each time a version of 1.xx comes out, I have to go in and change several internal commands from, for  instance, access_slay to access_kick, because I don't want certain commands used/abused.
-In other words, I want to make it easier for admins to decide what levels do what commands, not just what access is given to an admin.
 Again, I understand that the admin/user configuration is totally changing, but this would be a nice ability.
I have a very basic idea for how to implement this (probably easier than any other I've suggested), but that is a discussion for another topic.

These were going to be possible with the original ULib UCL idea, but I reverted back to ULXv1 type admin list at the last minute because I think the original would be way too complicated for the average user. I could give you the original if you'd like; it was completely documented and polished up, I just felt it should be dropped.

--- Last but not least, FRIENDS CHAT THROUGH 'SAY' main window.
- I hate IM programs. I don't use them. I dislike having to change screens to chat with a friend while I'm in the middle of something else. While surfing pr0, er, playing Gmod, I have to hit my 'escape' key to main menu, then click on whatever chat box. If I could simply see what someone said using my HUD chat type text, then reply by using <Chat key> /F Friend_who_SourceFriend'ed_me message reply , I would love that.

Great idea, but there is no lua interface to the steam friends.  I don't think you could do this even with the SDK. :(
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Offline JamminR

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Re: Ideas for ULX v2 ( complete recode )
« Reply #38 on: July 07, 2006, 12:20:47 PM »
These were going to be possible with the original ULib UCL idea, but I reverted back to ULXv1 type admin list at the last minute because I think the original would be way too complicated for the average user. I could give you the original if you'd like; it was completely documented and polished up, I just felt it should be dropped.

What a shame! ULib 3!! (yes, 3, I know, you haven't fully hit 1 yet)
No thanks, keep the code on the back burner. If you sent it to me and I started using it, it would be like maintaining a different branch of source, and I don't have _that_ much dedication.

Re: Shared server communications, experienced LUA scripters, go to work!! :P
Re: My Friends chat idea, ah well, would be nice.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

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Re: Ideas for ULX v2 ( complete recode )
« Reply #39 on: July 15, 2006, 02:57:50 PM »
Quote from: JamminR on June 22, 2006, 09:01:54 pm
I don't have enough experience to know if any of these are possible. Currently, or, as Megiddo seems to be quite close to Gmod10 development, in the future.
 I'd love to see them included in future versions of ULX.
(all without middleman application if possible)

--- Chat between servers
-To include @admin chat, /p private chat, and normal chat.
-A screen menu showing what players are on the other server, and if possible in new versions of Gmod, click the name (or word all) to send a message to that person (or all) on the other server.
-Each would be configurable on each side(what server (hostname/ip?) to communicate with, on/off, admin only, designation for other  server JamminR@HisHangout says: or JamminR@HisFriendsServer says: , etc)

--- Shared ban lists between two (or more?) servers.

--- Shared admin commands between servers
- Kind of includes both of the previous two suggestions, if no admin (or admin with high enough access) is on Server 1, and asks through 'server chat' with admin on Server 2, if the admin on Server 2 is listed as having high enough access on Server 1, be able to kick/ban any user from Server 1.
(easiest way I know to explain it, basically, rcon ban/kick through ULX while on another server)
Er I do...
These are all excellent ideas I'd like to see myself as well, but unfortunately, there aren't enough people running two full servers at a time to justify this. It'd make a great addon though!
My Three 10 man build server are full and the third server is half full
So ye that mod would be very useful

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Re: Ideas for ULX v2 ( complete recode )
« Reply #40 on: July 22, 2006, 01:26:54 AM »
Can someone make me a plug-in for ulx thatll force the client joining to download certain files?i want to use this in unison with hunts advanced music player for ingame but i need other clients to dl the files

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Re: Ideas for ULX v2 ( complete recode )
« Reply #41 on: July 22, 2006, 09:02:24 AM »
Force download has been in ulx for a while now.
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Re: Ideas for ULX v2 ( complete recode )
« Reply #42 on: August 07, 2006, 02:33:52 PM »
I think you should the menu should look like this.

1.Clients(add blind and unblind,and any other ideas)
2.Admin Menu(add pause server,unpause server,unlagserver,maby more)
3.Maps(isnt on v2)
4.Server type(inculdes type of building on server eather,singleplayer,deathmatch,normal,anti spam,More)
5.Other(could include advertizement,remove watermark,textfix,fadefix,and maby more))
6.Prop Menu(a section that removes props and other stuff kinda like in gmod+)
7.Gamemodes(all gamemodes and maby others to.)

***Please Make Print Bigger In Menu***
« Last Edit: August 07, 2006, 02:36:01 PM by Brett900 »

Offline Diablodoc

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Re: Ideas for ULX v2 ( complete recode )
« Reply #43 on: October 16, 2006, 08:51:25 AM »
I think that if the adminmenu has access to influence the clients (Say Blind, slap, slam, freeze, kick, etc etc) then it should not have the name "Client", because i often get confused if it is either the menu for the clients or the menu for the admins to influence the clients... And a good admin-menu and client system is always important, as it gets to be a habbit.

Let's say, if i put it up like catalogues, it would be like this:

Admin Menu\Administer Clients
Admin Menu\Administer Admins
Admin Menu\Game Settings
Admin Menu\ULX Options


and for the clients on the server:

Client Menu\Personal Settings\Player Models
Client Menu\  (Bla bla bla..)  \  (Bla bla bla..)

It's better to have it organized from the start, so people don't get confused seeing 3 menus of the same name or get in doubt where the heck to look.

Also, it would be very nice to be able to customize the Gimp sayings in-game! Either by having a command, lets say " Ulx_gimp_alternative_add 'I like waffles' ", and then the "I like waffles" gets added to the sayings.


You could have a custom-sayings which choses to give him the alternatives you specify.  e.g   "ulx_gimp_custom <PlayerID> 'I like waffles' 'I LIKE TO DRESS NAKED AND RUN AROUND TOWN' ". Then the person would be in a custom gimp, where he can only say those things specified, which is 'I like waffles' and 'I LIKE TO DRESS..'
« Last Edit: October 16, 2006, 09:00:19 AM by Diablodoc »

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Re: Ideas for ULX v2 ( complete recode )
« Reply #44 on: October 16, 2006, 04:58:34 PM »
Quite possible, I could adapt my gamemode's saving system to be able to save gimp sayings, when I get free time.