Hello people !
I have an important question. I want to restrict "ulx adduser" and "ulx adduserid" to certains ranks. I know how do it.
When i want to restrict group for "ulx adduser" and "ulx adduserid" for admin, I go to <groups> --> <admin> --> <manage permissions> --> <Cmds-Usermanagement>, After it I click on ulx adduser --> Restrict groups --> And I add groups that i want that he cans set people .... and .. I push <apply restrictions > Here all is okay, I see that the restriction is applied in chat . It works for 2 groups, 3 groups ....
But, I have a military, with more groups (more 51 ulx groups). And there is a problem after i added all groups in <whitelist string values> .
I push <apply restrictions>, and nothing is happening.
I think that we can't add an unlimited list of groups.
Sorry, if i made some mistakes. I'm French !
Thank you, for your help.