Author Topic: Problem with admin controls conflicting with rcon password  (Read 3448 times)

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Offline galkar

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Problem with admin controls conflicting with rcon password
« on: July 11, 2007, 03:44:16 AM »
I just added ULX to my dedicated server and am having a problem. I'm not even entirely sure it's a problem with ULX, but perhaps someone can help me regardless. When I enter the server and try to use anything on the admin panel of the utilities menu, my server console outputs

rcon from "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:XXXX(my ip)": Bad Password

For every time that I try to move a slider resulting in me being very quickly banned from my own server, forcing me to unban myself and try it all over again.

I don't have an rcon password set, but in an effort to fix the problem I set one and typed rcon_password "mypassword" into console and still had the same problem. Can anyone help me?

Offline Chironex

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Re: Problem with admin controls conflicting with rcon password
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2007, 03:50:59 AM »
Edit your cfg/server_cfg.txt, add a line "rcon_password" "yourpasshere". Then in the console type 'rcon_password yourpasshere' to log in.

But, if you add your steamid into settings/users.txt, you can use ulx menu without login. If you do that, there are 3 quick buttons on the scoreboard, under each players (but you of course) : 'kick' '1h ban' 'permban'.

Hope that help.


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Re: Problem with admin controls conflicting with rcon password
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2007, 05:15:35 AM »
Edit your cfg/server_cfg.txt, add a line "rcon_password" "yourpasshere". Then in the console type 'rcon_password yourpasshere' to log in.

Hope that help.
Unfortunately that was one of the things that I tried and it did nothing to help, even when I typed rcon_password "mypassword" it would still spit out a bad password notification both when I tried to use the admin GUI and when I tried to use admin console commands.