Author Topic: having problems dealing with playsound fastdl  (Read 1635 times)

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Offline kelvynnjs

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having problems dealing with playsound fastdl
« on: December 25, 2017, 05:47:29 AM »
Hello peeps, i'm sorry for disturbing but i need some advice and help.
i've been trying to play some custom sounds on my gmod server (dedicated,payed host with fastdl)
fortunately i could make everything load correctly on fastdl after 4 days of tickets supports.

my server doen't have sourcemod installed
all libs within the ulx mod,Dlib,Ulib appear to be updated

the soudns appear downloading on the loading bar while entering the servidor
and when i try to play it (path sound/misc/rage.wav)   and i put it   on the ulx  playsound ( misc/rage.wav) it doesn't say the sound doesn't exist  (like other times) but it won't play.
The server console says  "kelvynnjs played sound "rage.wav"   but on my client console this appears
Code: [Select]
[LC ULib ERROR] Received invalid sound

i really would appreciate any help or advice,my experience on lua is little,but i'm trying really hard on it

the sounds are all tested on the client (played fine) frequencies all right
« Last Edit: December 25, 2017, 05:49:10 AM by kelvynnjs »

Offline JamminR

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Re: having problems dealing with playsound fastdl
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2017, 08:28:33 AM »
Been a long time since I played with sound, but in my UJoin_sounder release, I had to use a forward slash in front of my directories for precache and playback.
Try /misc/rage.wav or /misc/your_sound.wave
So, that would be "ulx playsound /misc/rage.wav"

If that doesn't work, sorry, I'm out of ideas for now.

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