So I am working on a group for admin that will change it's name in the tab menu to a normal player tag. Pretty much so they can disguise themselves. However, my issue isn't with the tab menu but with the adduser command itself. So I understand the group whitelist but I am having an issue with the "Restrict Command Arguments" part. I want admin to be able to change their own rank between admin and the disguised group. It's fine if they can change other admins between those two groups as well but I don't want them to be able to target lower ranked players or higher ranked players. But it seems I keep ending up with one of the two situations:
1. Admin can target all lower ranked players, themselves, and other admins but not higher ups. 2. Admins can't target lower ranked players but can target themselves, other admins, and superadmins. So I suppose I just want to make it where admin can only target themselves/admins and no other groups with this command. I'm stuck. Any ideas help.
My ULib/ULX versions (run "ulx version" in console):
ULib v2.60d (04/30/16)
ULX v3.70d (03/20/16)
Game mode(s) I am having this problem on: HarborRP
Lua errors shown in console, if any: None.