Author Topic: Need help to solve a bug with my scoreboard  (Read 3487 times)

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Offline Chironex

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Need help to solve a bug with my scoreboard
« on: July 19, 2007, 02:33:45 AM »
Hello, well i posted this on Facepunch but they are such one i'll try to post here, hoping someone could help me:

I'm trying to modify the ratings (the icons in the scoreboard).

So i did this in gamemode/rating.lua:
Code: [Select]
local function CCRateUser( player, command, arguments )
// Don't rate self
//original if ( Rater == Target ) then return end
if ( Rater == Target ) then
SendNotify( Rater, "You can't rate yourself, dude :)", ERROR )

And to get it working i did that in gamemode/scoreboard/vote_button.lua:
Code: [Select]
function PANEL:DoClick( x, y )

local ply = self:GetParent().Player

//original if ( !ply || !ply:IsValid() || ply == LocalPlayer() ) then return end
if ( !ply || !ply:IsValid() ) then return end

LocalPlayer():ConCommand( "rateuser ".. ply:EntIndex().. " "..self.VoteName.."\n" )


My function SendNotify is in the file in gamemode/rating.lua:
Code: [Select]
//define types

local function SendNotify( ply, message, type )
if (!type) then type = SUCCESS end

if (type == SUCCESS) then
notify_type  = "NOTIFY_GENERIC"
notify_sound = "ambient/water/drip" .. math.random(1, 4) .. ".wav"

elseif (type == ERROR) then
notify_type  = "NOTIFY_ERROR"
notify_sound = "buttons/button10.wav"

ply:SendLua( "GAMEMODE:AddNotify( \"" .. message .. "\", " .. notify_type .. ", 5 ); surface.PlaySound( \"" .. notify_sound .. "\" )" )


All seems to work fine, however as i said in the topic title, there is a bug. And even two bugs.

The first bug: i go in the spawn menu and i choose any tool that contain a box where we can enter numbers or whatever. Whenever i write a number in this box, then press Enter, it brings the message "You can't rate yourself, dude :)"...pretty annoying.

The second bug is more annoying..for some reasons, ratings stop working after a moment, and i can't find how to reproduce this bug. Like if the rating.lua has crashed, when i press a rating button nothing happen, not even a 'rateuser: unknow command' in the console.

I'm beginner with lua. For the first bug, i think about a way to check if the player is in the spawn menu, like 'if player:InSpawnMenu() then return end' it possible? What i do wrong?

If there is nothing wrong in that code and you want to see full files, they are in my pastebin:

Please help, thanks in advance.

PS: also, the first bug exists in ULX too (almost the same bug), i mean : try to double click a file in the advanced duplicator file list, it will execute the last ULX command you did.

REPS: after reading this topic,1073.0/topicseen.html i believe it's the bug i'm talking about :-X
« Last Edit: July 19, 2007, 02:50:12 AM by Kyzer »