Author Topic: Warp Target Player  (Read 2347 times)

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Offline Darkblizzard

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Warp Target Player
« on: October 13, 2018, 12:51:01 PM »
I posted a warp code for ULX, but I noticed that it would only teleport the caster when the command is used. Is there anyway to make it so the command can target players to teleport that player to the warp location?

Code: [Select]
local CATEGORY_NAME = 'Teleport'

local warps = {
-- ['name of warp location'] = Position that you want players to be teleported to
['admin'] = Vector(-1936.525879, -2138.591553, 8439.391602),
['spawn'] = Vector(423.965302, 9198.730469, 74.031250)

local WarpACs = { 'admin', 'spawn' }

function ulx.warp(caller, place)
if not warps[place] then
ULIb.tsayError(caller, 'That is not a valid warp location!', true)
local pos = warps[place]
if not isvector(pos) then
ULIb.tsayError(caller, 'Invalid warp vector, please check warps list.', true)
ulx.fancyLogAdmin(caller, '#A has teleported to warp location: ' .. place..'.')

local warp = ulx.command(CATEGORY_NAME, 'ulx warp', ulx.warp, '!tp')
warp:defaultAccess(ULib.ACCESS_ADMIN) -- Put ULib.ACCESS_OPERATOR for operator, ULib.ACCESS_SUPERADMIN for only superadmins, or ULib.ACCESS_ALL for everyone.
warp:addParam{type = ULib.cmds.StringArg, hint = 'warp location name', completes = WarpACs}
warp:help('Teleports a user to a location specified by a name.')

An Error Has Occurred!

array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given