Could we have a version of Uclip that only prevents people from noclipping into world?
Seems like a good idea... not sure how easy it would be to change the code to add a cvar enabling world only. (I've not looked at it in a long time)
I mean like it only stops you from nocliping throw the prop you select like if you make a fort and shoot all the prop people cant no-clip throw it.
Too many tools already exist to deny noclipping on a per prop basis.
That, and too often I see people using those tools to deny people 200+ props where this just does it all for you.
This tries to be different, not the same as those other tools.
I see no reason to make a tool that has already been (over) done by so many others.
This just works... either you enable it, or use regular noclip, or none at all.