My ULib/ULX versions: <SVN> revision 356
ULib v..
ULX v..
Game mode(s) I am having this problem on: DarkRP
Lua errors shown in console, if any:
[ERROR] addons/ulx-master/lua/ulx/end.lua:49: attempt to index a string value with bad key ('red' is not part of the string library)
1. error - [C]:-1
2. __index - lua/includes/extensions/string.lua:297
3. fn - addons/ulx-master/lua/ulx/end.lua:49
4. fn - addons/ulx-master/lua/ulx/end.lua:131
5. unknown - addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
Every time I run my server I get this error. I have tried re-installing both ULX and ULIB, but I still get this error. I have also disabled any new addons and still have this error. This causes xgui to not work and ULX to break, for example groups do not work, noclip doesn't work, etc. Do you know what is causing this error? I have not modified anything from the ULX files and have not changed any base game files.