Originally made for a for a MRP server, i didnt know a lot about glua at the time and did it really badly putting a check infront of every single command and more dumb stuff
So after some thinking and stupid mistakes i present to you:
ULX Advanced Admin Mode
- Fully customizable, almost everything can be changed in the config
- It should work in every game mode (Tested: Sandbox, TTT und DarkRP), however if it doesnt work in your mode tell me and I will try and add support!
- Stops your admins from getting killed and killing others in this mode
- Admins can only execute commands while in this mode, this can be toggled on or off
Planned Features:
- Make certain usergroups be able to ingnore admin mode restrictions
- Ingame Config GUI
- Different Playermodels dependant on rank
Installation Guide:
- Download the .rar file below
- Put it into your addons folder and extract it
- For configuration, open the folder and navigate to: lua/ulx/modules/sh/admin.lua
- Done!

This is my first addon outside of some entity/swep testing, so please give me some feedback so I can imrpove my overall addon quality!