Bit of an update.
Tomorrow, if people show as planned, will make 4 showings in 4 weeks.
(I don't have false hopes, but the thoughts are nice anyway)
We had a showing yesterday. Our realtor gave us feedback today that SUPPOSEDLY the other realtor says its between our house and the same floorplan house at the end of the street.
I don't know if this is proverbial realtor smoke blowing or not. (On the part of OUR realtor OR the other)
1) We've heard similiar feedback before. I say 'similar' because previously we were told outright 'we're second runner up if first offer falls through'
2) I'm a skeptical realist. I hope for best, expect worst.
The other house we're supposedly tied with uses more of its space. it has an additional two car garage to its side, and a larger downstairs.
Our floor downstairs is half thiers, because it is instead a one car garage.
That being said, we heard from the neighbor of another house for sale that the viewer's realtor told THEM that the people looking would be stretching to afford the other house. We're a good $15k cheaper.
So..pieced together.
1) People are deciding on which of the two houses to go for.
2) We're more affordable.
That means they'll make an offer on the other house, right? At least thats what all the HGTV "home buying show" people end up doing, buying the house they originally state they can't afford.

Skeptical to the end. I won't lose sleep tonight.
We do have a showing tomorrow.