GRRrrrr. I dislike having to be ready to go at a moments notice.
1) I miss my cluttered desk.
Someone on craiglist is wanting a ceiling fan. I have two I refuse to take with me. (Sale, Goodwill, etc)
Took pictures. Went to look for a connection cable to a camera and couldn't find it.
I'm sure it's packed in a nice neat area somewhere. Ready to move. I had a card reader, so yanked the card out of my camera and used it.
2) Day planning. Procrastination impossible.
I woke up early (for me) today. 7am. Lay in bed about 10-15 minutes thinking, can I sleep more?
I get up. Make coffee. Straighten up a bit. Need to mow, but wife is sick, sleeping in. Fine. I'll wait till 5 or 6 when shadows just start to grow long.
I patter around. Can't clean much more. Wifes in bed. 1pm rolls around. I think "prime home shopper" time. Nothing.
3pm rolls around. I start getting sleepy. I decide to take a nap. I lay down. I doze off. 320... RING RING.
Realtors office...showing at 530.
Darn it. I waited all day for you. Why during my nap, and when I have house chores to do?
I quickly get up, vacuum, mow most of the lawn. *While mowing, 'home shopper' drive by as I'm about to quit and head back to garage
I turn self propelled mower back to full, walk behind it and quickly mow two 80ft lines back and forth (I'd left a bit undone) using one hand to steer.
"See!? See!!? Look how easy it is to mow this lawn compared to the huge hills of the other yards for sale near me!"
(My yard really is easier...but at first inspection does look impending)
515pm - we leave
3) Fuel
I'm picky where I get my fuel. After some years of trial and error, I've found one brand in my area gives me best MPG of any other.
Unfortunately, this brand has few stations in my area. I go driving, not realizing I'm somewhat low. I explore roads I've not been down before, but, thanks to Google maps, have a general idea where they end up. About the same time I'm ready to go home, nowhere near a route that takes me by one of my stations, I realize I'd left myself enough fuel on Friday to get to a meeting I had Saturday, get home, then get to work on Monday, get fuel during lunch, and be done with it.
Noooo. I now have to put an inferior company's gas, even if only a few dollars, in my tank tomorrow morning with my carpool bud.
615pm - We're back.
4) Phone interruptions. 5) False hopes
My wife was talking on the phone to my mother-in-law. I love my mother in law. Wife gets a call. I over hear 'mom, gotta go.' Our realtor is back from a weekend trip. I overhear "Oh? Great! I was planning on going to the drs tomorrow anyway." I start thinking "someones made an offer?... meeting with realtor perhaps? Why else would our actual realtor call instead of her office after getting back from a trip?"
No. Yet another viewing. Scheduled for 10am tomorrow.
I figure it's the drive by we had at 430ish. Hope they like my yard.
Official count of views since relisting, is now at 4, with one scheduled tomorrow.
We relisted Wed May 28. It's now Sunday Jun 8. Less than two weeks ago.
Yes. I know that the more showings, the more my chances increase I won't have to carry this house in the new one.
I just hate having to live my life on the edge... always waiting for that call.
Darn it. Someone needs to purchase this house (lots of quarters!) so I can go back to being normal, at least for a month and a half.
Packing will already be a breeze. I've got most of what I would pack already packed and in storage to declutter the house for showings anyway.