Author Topic: groups.txt  (Read 3112 times)

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Offline jay209015

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« on: September 04, 2007, 04:10:06 AM »
Nope, it's not a question. LOL I know ya'll have to be getting tired of seeing that topic, but my problem is simple. I just need the default group.txt back. Yesterday I added several new groups, then I let the server run for some time about 10 hours.Then I went back and decided to add another group, and this group I didn't want to have any ulx abilities so I left the allow and deny list blank. No harm done, then when I pressed save every command used in ulx appeared erasing all my groups. Now I have an empty groups.txt file, so if anyone would like to donate one that would be nice. IDK if it's default or already has groups in it, I just want the main groups back. :D
An error only becomes a mistake when you refuse to correct it. --JFK

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Offline Megiddo

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Re: groups.txt
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2007, 05:34:27 AM »
Delete the groups.txt and misc_registered.txt.
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline jay209015

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Re: groups.txt
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2007, 01:39:01 PM »
Ok, thank you. BTW do you have any idea what could of brought up this kind of error? It was kind of random.

Edit __________________

After look at misc_registered I noticed that these were the commands that appeared.
And groups.txt is not in it.

Code: [Select]




"ulx help"

"ulx slap"

"ulx whip"

"ulx slay"

"ulx sslay"

"ulx ignite"

"ulx playsound"

"ulx freeze"

"ulx unfreeze"

"ulx god"

"ulx ungod"

"ulx noclip"

"ulx hp"

"ulx cloak"

"ulx uncloak"

"ulx blind"

"ulx unblind"

"ulx jail"

"ulx unjail"

"ulx bring"

"ulx goto"

"ulx send"

"ulx teleport"

"ulx ghost"

"ulx unghost"

"ulx ragdoll"

"ulx unragdoll"

"ulx vote"

"ulx gimp"

"ulx mute"

"ulx ungimp"

"ulx unmute"

"ulx addgimpsay"

"ulx maul"

"ulx gag"

"ulx ungag"

"ulx logecho"

"ulx logfile"

"ulx logevents"

"ulx logchat"

"ulx logspawns"

"ulx logspawnsecho"

"ulx logdir"

"ulx rslotsmode"

"ulx rslots"

"ulx rslotsvisible"


"ulx tooldeny"

"ulx toolallow"

"ulx tooldenyuser"

"ulx toolallowuser"

"ulx who"

"ulx psay"

"ulx asay"

"ulx tsay"

"ulx csay"

"ulx rcon"

"ulx luarun"

"ulx exec"

"ulx map"

"ulx kick"

"ulx ban"

"ulx spectate"

"ulx ent"

"ulx cexec"

"ulx adduser"

"ulx userallow"

"ulx userdeny"

"ulx thetime"

"ulx menu"

"ulx adminmenu"

"ulx clientmenu"

"ulx mapsmenu"

"ulx motd"

"ulx addadvert"

"ulx addcsayadvert"

"ulx addforceddownload"

"ulx votemap2"

"ulx votekick"

"ulx voteban"

"ulx mingekick"

"ulx welcomemessage"

"ulx showmotd"

"ulx chattime"

"ulx physgunplayer"


"ulx votemapenabled"

"ulx votemapmintime"

"ulx votemapwaittime"

"ulx votemapsuccessratio"

"ulx votemapminvotes"

"ulx votemapvetotime"

"ulx votemapmapmode"

"ulx veto"

"ulx votemapaddmap"

"ulx votemap"

« Last Edit: September 04, 2007, 01:42:52 PM by jay209015 »
An error only becomes a mistake when you refuse to correct it. --JFK

"And thus the downfall of the great ULX dynasty was wrought not by another dynasty, but the slow and steady deterioration of the leaders themselves, followed by the deprecation of the great knowledge they possessed." -Gmod, Chapter 28, verse 34 -- Stickly