ummmmm yeah it still wont work i figured it would work b/c the deal is filed under LAN but it still dsent work

GRRRR heres what my user txt looks like
// Add users here, in the following format:
// "<steamid>" "<access flags>" //Optional comment ( You could say who this steamid belongs to in this comment )
// Example:
// "STEAM_0:1:1234567" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuz"
// DO NOT INCLUDE THE '//' before the steamid, IT DENOTES A COMMENT
// Access flags:
// a - immunity (can't be kicked/banned/slayed/slapped and affected by other commmands)
// b - reservation (can join on reserved slots)
// c - ulx_kick command
// d - ulx_ban and ulx_unban commands
// e - ulx_slay and ulx_slap commands
// f - ulx_map command
// g - ulx_cvar command (not all cvars will be available)
// h - ulx_cfg command
// i - ulx_chat and other chat commands
// j - ulx_vote and other vote commands
// k - access to sv_password cvar (by ulx_cvar command)
// l - access to ulx_rcon command and rcon_password cvar (by ulx_cvar command)
// m - spawned props will be "protected", only other users with this access will be able to delete or move them ( ALSO UNAFFECTED BY PROP ANTI SPAM )
// o - custom level A
// p - custom level B
// q - custom level C
// r - custom level D
// s - custom level E
// t - custom level F
// u - custom level G
// z - custom level H
// Go to your server, type "status" without the quotes in either your console, or the server console
// Example output:
// Take your steamid. In this example, Joe's steamid is "STEAM_0:1:123456" without the quotes. Use this id as part of your access line.
// In this example, the server admin wants to grant Joe access to the slay-related and kick-related commands ONLY ( the admin looks at the access table listed above and sees that the wanted accesses respond to c and e, respectively ), so the following line ( without the '//' is added to users.ini )
// "STEAM_0:1:123456" "ce"
"STEAM_ID_LAN" "bcdefghijklmnopqrstuz" //Uncomment this if you want to give people on LAN access, or if you're using the listen server fix
"STEAM_0:1:7456334" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
thats what it looks like heres my ID from status and everything
STEAM_0:1:7456334 05:28 41