Author Topic: Troubles with mingebags  (Read 5798 times)

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Offline g00rtg

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Troubles with mingebags
« on: July 05, 2006, 03:38:13 PM »
Hi, I'm running a listen server, maybe gonna go up a step further and make a dedicated server for garrys mod.
I found your admin program via garry mods own site and thought I might get help here.

The problem is: I want to be the only one with adminrights, I have set up the users.ini with only my steamID get access to admintools.
But unfortunately so does other people on my server.
Can someone help me block those A**h**es from messing with my server?
Im gonna post the user.ini and other files requested by those willing to help.

Thanks appreciated, I want the server up and running as soon as possible.

Heres the user.ini:

Code: [Select]
// Add users here, in the following format:
// "<steamid>" "<access flags>" //Optional comment ( You could say who this steamid belongs to in this comment )
// Example:
// "STEAM_0:1:1234567" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuz"
// DO NOT INCLUDE THE '//' before the steamid, IT DENOTES A COMMENT
// Access flags:
// a - immunity (can't be kicked/banned/slayed/slapped and affected by other commmands)
// b - reservation (can join on reserved slots)
// c - ulx_kick command
// d - ulx_ban and ulx_unban commands
// e - ulx_slay and ulx_slap commands
// f - ulx_map command
// g - ulx_cvar command (not all cvars will be available)
// h - ulx_cfg command
// i - ulx_chat and other chat commands
// j - ulx_vote and other vote commands
// k - access to sv_password cvar (by ulx_cvar command)
// l - access to ulx_rcon command and rcon_password cvar (by ulx_cvar command)
// m - spawned props will be "protected", only other users with this access will be able to delete or move them ( ALSO UNAFFECTED BY PROP ANTI SPAM )
// o - custom level A
// p - custom level B
// q - custom level C
// r - custom level D
// s - custom level E
// t - custom level F
// u - custom level G
// z - custom level H
// Go to your server, type "status" without the quotes in either your console, or the server console
// Example output:
//] status
//hostname:  The Hut
//version   : 2707 insecure (secure mode enabled, disconnected from Steam3)
//udp/ip  :
//map     :  gm_construct at: 1015 x, 21 y, -79 z
//players :  1 (16 max)
//# userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state adr
//#  2 "Joe" STEAM_0:1:123456 12:31 70 0 active
// Take your steamid. In this example, Joe's steamid is "STEAM_0:1:123456" without the quotes. Use this id as part of your access line.
// In this example, the server admin wants to grant Joe access to the slay-related and kick-related commands ONLY ( the admin looks at the access table listed above and sees that the wanted accesses respond to c and e, respectively ), so the following line ( without the '//' is added to users.ini )
// "STEAM_0:1:123456" "ce"

//"STEAM_ID_LAN" "bcdefghijklmnopqrstuz" //Uncomment this if you want to give people on LAN access, or if you're using the listen server fix

"STEAM_0:0:162847" "abcdefghijkln"

Here is the server.ini:

Code: [Select]
ulx_sv_showvotes 1 // If set to 1, players will see who's voting for what option

ulx_sv_antispamenabled 0 // If set to 1, antispam will be enabled ( read on )
ulx_sv_antispamtime 5 // If players spawn more than the number of props in this time, they'll be blocked
ulx_sv_antispamprops 5 // If players spawn more than this number of props in the given time, they'll be blocked
ulx_sv_antispamblocktime 30 // This is how long players will be blocked ( in seconds ) after spamming

ulx_sv_mingekick 1 // If set to 1, players with the name mingebag will be kicked

ulx_sv_reservedslots 1 // How many slots are reserved for admins
ulx_sv_reservedslotmode 0 // Reserved slot mode
// Slot modes:
// 0 - reserved slots disabled
// 1 - ULX will never kick someone to free up a slot, which means that if admins join all the reserved slots, the server will be full
// 2 - ULX will kick the player with the highest ping to keep 1 reserved slot open ( won't kick admins )
// 3 - ULX will kick the player with the shortest connection time to keep 1 reserved slot open ( won't kick admins )

// This is what the players will see when they join
// You can use %playername%, %hostname%, %curmap%, and %nextmap% in your text and have it automaticly parsed for you
ulx_sv_welcomemessage Welcome to %hostname%, %playername%! We're playing %curmap%. // This message will be shown to players joining your server

// Adverts
// addCsayAdvert <msg> <r> <g> <b> <repeat_time> <length>
// addAdvert <msg> <repeat_time>
// You can use %player%, %hostname%, %curmap%, %nextmap%, and %ulx_version% in your message and have it automagically parsed for you
addCsayAdvert "You're playing on %hostname%, enjoy your stay!" 100 255 200 300 10

// Please, if you have any compassion at all, leave this one in.
addAdvert "This server is running ULX version %ulx_version% from ulyssesmod.net" 360

:Edited in real steamID:
« Last Edit: July 05, 2006, 11:37:23 PM by g00rtg »

Offline Golden-Death

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Re: Troubles with mingebags
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2006, 06:29:59 PM »
Give us your steamid too, it could be wrong. Don't worry, its not confidential information.

Offline Megiddo

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Re: Troubles with mingebags
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2006, 07:00:10 PM »
Read the sticky.
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Offline g00rtg

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Re: Troubles with mingebags
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2006, 12:01:46 AM »
I've read the sticky, but my trouble isnt for me to get access but that unintended people also get access.
I have edited the steamID in exactly as it is in the config.
Any cvars I should shut down that can conflict with the adminmod?
I'm off to work then, wont be back before 7 hours after this post.

Offline JamminR

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Re: Troubles with mingebags
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2006, 05:27:35 AM »
 Though ULX _may_ be an issue, I'd bet that its not.
Megiddo's sticky does have one tip of a command to run that (I believe, haven't tested the tprint) will show any global users.
From his post...
"And most importantly, while you're connected to your server, enter these commands at the server console and paste the output into the thread."
Code: [Select]
lua tprint( gUsers )

If you are running the dedicated server, or a listen server on another pc, you will need to put rcon in front of those commands.

Megiddo, set me straight here, is gUsers variable _only_ from ULX? Or is it Gmod all?

g00rtg, if Megiddo confirms the tprint(gusers) is only ULX, and it only shows you, ULX isn't your problem.
If it shows more, I'd remove all of your ULX files/folder, download from this site only, and re-install ULX (if Meg confirms its ULX only)

If ULX only shows you as username, you might have a LUA virus.
ULM (NOT to be confused with ulX) is a popular lua script that is used maliciously 99% of the time. It allows users to run commands on your server.
(I'm sorry I don't have facepunchstudios forum links, go to Gmod forums, search for 'virus'. There are several LUA scripts used maliciously that you might have downloaded from other servers unknowningly while playing online)

And as always, make sure you change your rcon password after cleaning anything (if you do) found. If someone knows has rcon access, just about anything can be done.
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Offline Megiddo

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Re: Troubles with mingebags
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2006, 09:04:48 AM »
gUsers originates from ULX, and as far as I know, no other scripts use it.

JamminR is correct that a virus could be interfering with your user list (thus you should check gUsers). I have heard that certain viruses will add users to ULX.

What access do the players on your server have? You can use ulx_who to check.
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Offline g00rtg

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Re: Troubles with mingebags
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2006, 10:27:42 AM »
It was a virus/worm, removed it and now the adminmod work fine.
Thanks for the help.
Didnt even know there were viruses for garrysmod that worked that way, jeez you learn everyday.
Thanks to both JamminR & Megiddo

Offline Megiddo

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Re: Troubles with mingebags
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2006, 11:00:34 AM »
I know this comes as an odd request... but if you happen to still have that virus and/or worm, I'd like to look at it. Send it to me via PM or email.

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Offline g00rtg

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Re: Troubles with mingebags
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2006, 11:03:53 AM »
Too late, I deleted it.
I should maybe have thought that someone wanted to check it.

Offline JamminR

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Re: Troubles with mingebags
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2006, 05:51:34 PM »
g00rtg, is it in your recycle bin?

I think a reverse command autoban plugin is in order.
Perhaps if someone attempts to use the ulm/whatever_other_dumb_lua command, have ULX announce
"Player blah attempted to use exploit blah, and has been auto banned and kicked"
Logging this too of course.

ULM itself isn't hard to obtain. Many servers have it, and it autodownloads to the ~modcache/lua/init folder.
I currently have a blank read-only ulm.lua in my init folder so it won't get overwritten.
I've read and heard of others in the facepunch forums, but haven't come across them, as I don't server hop much.
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Offline Golden-Death

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Re: Troubles with mingebags
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2006, 05:55:16 PM »
No real need, it would be nifty, but theres already tons of scripts that do just that on FP