Author Topic: Unable To "admin" On a Dedicated Server I created...  (Read 4957 times)

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Unable To "admin" On a Dedicated Server I created...
« on: July 22, 2006, 04:42:01 PM »
Ok lets see, Ill go down the list
  • Read-me (Check)
  • User's Ini (Check)
  • User-ID Correct (check)
  • User-ID Double Check (Check)

I AM Running a dedicated server, I have the latest verision, and Here is ALL the info

hostname:  The newest Dedicated server out there!
version : 2782 insecure (secure mode enabled, connected to Steam3)
udp/ip  :
map     :  gm_construct at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
players :  4 (6 max)

# userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state adr
#  3 "PN" STEAM_0:1:8486892 10:53 92 0 active
#  6 "eXoDuS" STEAM_0:1:2282356 03:25 96 0 active
#  7 "Shadow" STEAM_0:1:11162802 03:17 32 0 active
#  8 "MingeBag" STEAM_0:1:11330829 02:50 176 75 spawning

] lua tprint (  gUsers  )

[And Incase you needed this too...]
(Whats at the VERY BOTTOM of my Users in the configuration folder)
//"STEAM_ID_LAN" "bcdefghijklmnopqrstuz" //Uncomment this if you want to give people on LAN access, or if you're using the listen server fix
"STEAM_0:1:11162802" "admin"
"STEAM_0:1:11162802" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuz"

I hope thats all you need :/


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Re: Unable To "admin" On a Dedicated Server I created...
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2006, 05:39:21 PM »
[Whoops :-\] I forgot to say, it worked when I started it w/ gmod, (I was admin) But now...Well im not "admin"

Offline Megiddo

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Re: Unable To "admin" On a Dedicated Server I created...
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2006, 06:57:26 PM »
Give us your whole users.ini, the ones loaded in gUsers don't seem to match up with your file.
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Offline JamminR

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Re: Unable To "admin" On a Dedicated Server I created...
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2006, 09:14:13 PM »
Megiddo's right..according to your own tprint line, _other_ users are being loaded. Perhaps from another file.
Some quick things to check...

1) Are you running latest version of ULX? As of this post, its 1.13, and, versions previous to 1.13 had an error where they wrote access to, and loaded from, file(s) other than just ulx\configs\users.ini
(If you downloaded the ded server from the FP forums, its not the latest I'm pretty sure)

2) 'admin' isn't actually an special access level. That would be same as giving yourself just
d=ulx_ban and ulx_unban commands
m=spawned props will be "protected"
i=ulx_chat and other chat commands
n=ulx_ent command
Though, you (attenpt to) load yourself twice, I'm not sure which of your listings would take precedence.

3) Make sure you don't have some malicious LUA 'virus/worm'. ULM is a big one. Check your lua/init folder on your dedicated folder. Make sure you don't have any files there you didn't put. Or edits to the default ones that you didn't make. See the FacePunch forums for more tips. There's been quite a bit of discussion about LUA worms. There's even some anti-lua worm protection scripts, though I don't know how well these work
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming


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Re: Unable To "admin" On a Dedicated Server I created...
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2006, 10:27:50 PM »
Ok, I fixed the "admin" Problem [by that I mean the a=invincibility, d=ulx_ban, Etc.] and I checked for worms/viruses [and I USED To have some, but not this time] and it still didnt work!, so here is my "users" thing...

// Add users here, in the following format:
// "<steamid>" "<access flags>" //Optional comment ( You could say who this steamid belongs to in
this comment )
// Example:
// "STEAM_0:1:1234567" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuz"
// DO NOT INCLUDE THE '//' before the steamid, IT DENOTES A COMMENT
// Access flags:
// a - immunity (can't be kicked/banned/slayed/slapped and affected by other commmands)
// b - reservation (can join on reserved slots)
// c - ulx_kick command
// d - ulx_ban and ulx_unban commands
// e - ulx_slay and ulx_slap commands
// f - ulx_map command
// g - ulx_cvar command (not all cvars will be available)
// h - ulx_cfg command
// i - ulx_chat and other chat commands
// j - ulx_vote and other vote commands
// k - access to sv_password cvar (by ulx_cvar command)
// l - access to ulx_rcon command and rcon_password cvar (by ulx_cvar command)
// m - spawned props will be "protected", only other users with this access will be able to delete or


// o - custom level A
// p - custom level B
// q - custom level C
// r - custom level D
// s - custom level E
// t - custom level F
// u - custom level G
// z - custom level H
// Go to your server, type "status" without the quotes in either your console, or the server console
// Example output:
//] status
//hostname:  The Hut
//version   : 2707 insecure (secure mode enabled, disconnected from Steam3)
//udp/ip  :
//map     :  gm_construct at: 1015 x, 21 y, -79 z
//players :  1 (16 max)
//# userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state adr
//#  2 "Joe" STEAM_0:1:123456 12:31 70 0 active
// Take your steamid. In this example, Joe's steamid is "STEAM_0:1:123456" without the quotes. Use

this id as part of your access line.
// In this example, the server admin wants to grant Joe access to the slay-related and kick-related

commands ONLY ( the admin looks at the access table listed above and sees that the wanted

accesses respond to c and e, respectively ), so the following line ( without the '//' is added to users.ini

// "STEAM_0:1:123456" "ce"

//"STEAM_ID_LAN" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuz"//Uncomment this if you want to give people on LAN

access, or if you're using the listen server fix

"STEAM_0:1:11162802" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuz"

An Error Has Occurred!

array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given