Our first task for SVN users!
We need you to test "ulx maul". It was completely rewritten in this last revision.
Things to test for:
* There should be no way to kill the zombies without them coming back.
* There should be no way for a user to survive more than 40 seconds, no matter what else may happen (zombies can't reach, million hp, all the players continually killing the zombies, etc).
* Zombies should never end up in a wall.
* Players should be completely immobile (barring the zombies knocking you around and falling to the ground) during the maul, and unable to be moved using any method.
* If you kill the zombie body and the head survives (fast headcrab), the headcrab should be removed within a few seconds.
On a side note. I left the zombies at their default hp, but it seems like they way too easy to kill. Should we up their hp so it's more of a challenge to kill them? (ar2 cball always kills them no matter what, can't fix this)