Show us the errors. You are using SVN, correct?
Yes, using SVN. Im doing a fresh install tonight and I'm goin to copy down every error I encounter both Client and console.
Edit: I am running SVN 125 as well.
This server is running ULib version 2.10.
Redownloading all lightmaps
Water Overlay Material '0' wasn't found.
ULX version 3.21 (BETA) SVN revision 125 loaded.
Command: ulx clientmenu
Client side Error: ULib/shared/sh_ucl.lua:38: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Console Error: (no error)
Comment: Players can be seen on the left but all client commands are missing.
Command: Clicking on any command in the Admin menu
Client side Error: ulx/modules/cl/adminmenu.lua:45: bad argument #1 to 'SetText' (string expected, got nil)
Console Error: (no error)
Comments: Slider values work fine, no errors there. Error is when Allow NPC's, PVP damage, Global Noclip and Global Godmode are clicked on.
Command: ulx maul
Client side Error: (No Error)
Console Error: (After player suicides when Maul completes) Entity 174 (class 'npc_headcrab_fast') reported ENTITY_CHANGE_NONE but 'm_hEffectEntity' changed.
Comments: Maul starts but no player damage caused. After 30 seconds or so player health drops to 1, then a further 30 seconds after taht maul finishes and player suicides. See attached demo.
Command: ulx menu
Client side Error: ULib/shared/sh_ucl.lua:38: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Console Error: (No Error)
Comments: Command: ulx cloak
Client side Error: (No Error)
Console Error: (No Error)
Comments: When cloaked with value 255 then uncloaked the weapons/tools are not visible to anyone else but in First person view weapons are visible.
Command: ulx hp (Minor old bug)
Client side Error: (No Error)
Console Error: (No Error)
Comments: Minor issue but client crashable. When a player has HP set to 99,999 and has a GM entity ball (causing player to bypass previous 100,000 crash fix)
Will be edited as more arise