Ulysses Stuff > Ulysses Release Archives
Uname 1.1 - Keep different name than your Steam name across Gmod servers
The fact that it's clientside just means that the server doesn't have to have it for you to use it, not that it won't work online. It being clientside is better in this case than being serverside.
If you would have READ the post and knew what this addon did you would know that the reason he made it was for convenience.
YES there is a command to change your name. No you don't know it... it's (setinfo name "name")
The point of this addon is to allow a user to set their name ONCE with it and never have to worry about typing in the command every time they go to a new server and want to change their name. It's a convenience mod, not a necessity mod.
He deleted his post. The little bugger. :P
And people wonder why I use 'quote' so much. :P
setinfo name no longer does anything. :(
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