Author Topic: Jam's Hoverboard Haven - Limited time engagement  (Read 2440 times)

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Jam's Hoverboard Haven - Limited time engagement
« on: February 13, 2008, 01:04:30 PM »
I'm currently running a hoverboard themed server.
No idea for how long - days, or a few weeks at most.
I'm running, and you'll need,
Hoverboard -

the following maps;




Look for Jam's Hoverboard Haven in server list, OR, server ip:port =
This is not a build server. There is a 4 prop limit.
I don't limit spawn weapons, HOWEVER, do NOT shoot at anyone/thing.

While using this server, you'll be helping testing Umotd too.

Let me know if you have suggestion for maps or other hoverboard related addons/mods.

Have fun

(Meg - Change my ftp password so I can bz2 the maps please!)
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