Author Topic: Need help with Scoreboard v2...When I go to rank a player.....  (Read 1998 times)

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Maybe the Scoreboard is just set up this way. When I hold down tab I see the changes and everything, [It's Awsome!] but, when I highlight over something like the [G] Symbol...It does not tell me what it means when I go to rank that person It should say "Gay player"  I think....In the Normal Scoreboard if you higlited over the picture of the "Hammer" and you were going to rank them that it would say "This player is good at building" How come I don't see this in the scoreboard v2...Is it just me? or something I'm doing?

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Re: Need help with Scoreboard v2...When I go to rank a player.....
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2008, 04:41:28 PM »
ToolTips changed in a GMod update a while ago. SuiScoreboard has not been updated since (Suicidal_banana, the original author, left GMod a long time ago, we fixed the scoreboard after an update, but have left it otherwise unchanged.)
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