Hello everyone,
I made the transition to ULX 3.30 yesterday and managed to set-up everything on the serveer properly however the only addon I am missing is a good Spam protection. Adminside theses are the addons I am using: sui_scoreboard, ULib v.2.20, ULX v.3.30, ULX Warn v.1.0, UTeam v.1.1 and Simple Prop Protection v.1.3.5. I tried Chausettes Prop Protection but it did not work on the server, I looked around and did not see any addons against spam. I used to have assmod before and I could set the lenght you had to wait in-between anything you spawned and was wondering where I could find something of the like. Could it be that Chausette is the only spam protection addon available? I certainly hope not!