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[BROKEN] UMotd Revived - Motd and OTHER informational screens.

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Thanks a lot! :D

My motd isn't showing up when you join the servers. Here's my config

--- Code: ---Uchat_prefix = "!" -- When command is said in chat, this character will presede it. Example. !motd

Umotd_SpawnCommand = "motd" -- If below is true, show this command at start-up. See Umotd_command_files example comments
-- WARNING! Above command MUST be a command within range of your commands in table below.
Umotd_ShowatPlayerSpawn = "true" -- true = Show above command to player at connect. false = Don't show at connect.

["Command"] will show "file.txt", Must be stored in Umotd_LoadDir location above EXCEPT for the motd.txt.
Add the commands you want to use from chat and console here into this table. Commands are case sensitive
Chat will be auto-prefix by Uchat_prefix above.
NOTE! Though file format itself can be TEXT or HTML, name of file must always end in ".txt"
WARNING - NOTICE - ATTENTION - motd.txt will automatically load from your Garrymod's mod "motdfile" variable. Usually /gmod/motd.txt.
If the file can't be found there, it will load from the "Umotd_LoadDir" location listed above.
Umotd_command_files = {
                    ["motd"] = "motd.txt",
                    ["rules"] = "rules.txt",
                    ["helpme"] = "help.txt",
                    ["serverinfo"] = "info.txt",
                    ["Ulysses"] = "http://forums.ulyssesmod.net",
                    ["svn"] = "svn.txt",
                    ["admins"] = "admins.txt"

The following controls various dynamic variable options. ]]--
-- true = convert dynamic variables %blah%. false = Leave them as is in your .txt. If you dont' use them, turn this false.
Umotd_dynvar = true
Umotd_AddOnSep1 = ", <br>" -- this sets what to use as separator if you use %addon_long%
Umotd_AddOnSep2 = ", " -- this sets what to use as separator if you use %addon_short%
--- End code ---

Found the fix accidentally. Admins.txt didn't exist, so I created it and motd worked again.

BTW is it possible to make Umotd read files from a different folder Ex: garrysmod/data. because I'm making a script to automatically write a list of admins to an admins.txt file located in the data folder.


--- Quote from: jay209015 on April 29, 2008, 03:45:15 PM ---BTW is it possible to make Umotd read files from a different folder Ex: garrysmod/data. because I'm making a script to automatically write a list of admins to an admins.txt file located in the data folder.

--- End quote ---
Yes. Read the Umotd_config file. It's well commented which variable to edit.
In fact, you left it out of your above config example. Its the first one at the top above chat prefix.

Oh, also, what are you trying to make admins output? A list of all the admins, even not connected?

I'm only writing a list for admins that have connected to the server(see my posts in developers corner for code).
I got the file working in the garrysmod/data/Umotd instead of garrysmod/addons/data/Umotd I wasn't paying attention to the addon format before. It would of answered my question. Thanks for you help :D


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