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[BROKEN] UMotd Revived - Motd and OTHER informational screens.

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--- Quote from: jay209015 on April 29, 2008, 04:25:24 PM ---I'm only writing a list for admins that have connected to the server

--- End quote ---
Using %curadmins% in your admins.txt file?
Umotd searches for Superadmin and Admin by default and will replace that.
I'm hoping to add a table in the config file for custom groups to look for as admins eventually.

No, I'm writing them into the file myself with my script in the developers corner.

I've added client side URL loading.
If you place a URL in the config area "command" = "url" - It will be passed to the client side. No parsing/dynamic variables.

Everyone please test the heck out of that.
Remember, if you get non-Lua scripting errors from pages you link to, this (99% most likely) isn't due to Umotd, but due to the limitation Source html limits to it's interpreter.

Reading through this is it possible to set it up to load the motd from the same computer which also hosts php/html based webpages, I don't know load snazzy backgrounds e.t.c. for example use the html auto redirect feature I forget the code but I know its there because I have used it myself. or is the source interpreter limited too much to use that feature. I would like to give clients the opportunity to browse the community website a bit maybe look at some flat file based forums. Yes messy I know but I didn't make it, we plan to move to sql based forums a little later for easier forum/game intergration.

When i type ulx help in my console it displays motd instead of the ulx help commands


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