What the... why does it say I edited your post.
Anyways, Jam, getSpawnInfo is implemented in ULX, right? Sounds like you may have a corrupt SVN if that's the case.
Pugnacious, while people are connected to your server, please run "ulx debuginfo" from your server console, and attach the output of the file here. (The command will tell you where the data file is)
Have you used 'setinfo', (or Nicknames or UName or any other name changing script) to change your name?
Also, what are the system memory specs of your server?
I'm mostly interested in HD free space, RAM and Virtual swap drive information
Meg, uh, no, i"m pretty sure it's ULib. If you mean do we use it in ULX, yes, several times for various commands. I was thinking he also might have an old version of ULib. Figured debuginfo would show us more.