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I'm going to redo everything and see if it works then.
Would this do it?
In my uteam.txt I made this mistake:
"name" "Private First Class"
"group" "privatefirstclassr"
When it should be:
"name" "Private First Class"
"group" "privatefirstclass"
Okay that seemed to fix it. It still wants to add me (Smoot in the superadmin group) to private first class though.
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ULibLuaFn'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulib_sound'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'UMaps_timer'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'UMaps_timer'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'UMaps_timer'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'UMaps_timer'
Robert Robertson: how did he get to outrank me?
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Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'UMaps_timer'
Robert Robertson: /profile
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'UMaps_timer'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'UMaps_timer'
Whitefox08 suicided!
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'UMaps_timer'
[UCL] Access set.
Player:Smoot has been promoted to privatefirstclass for exceptional behaviour
(ADMIN) (Console) added userid STEAM_0:1:12783335 (Smoot) to group "privatefirstclass"
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_resetinfo'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulx_autocomplete'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ULibLuaFn'
Warning: Unhandled usermessage 'ulib_sound'
(ignore the umaps error)
EDIT: Also, what could I add to make it kill players when they are promoted?
[1] = "superadmin"
[1] = "admin"
at the top of your groups_to_promote right above colonel, and that should fix your problem, because any group with a value of 1 doesn't get promoted.
Also add them to the promote_to table as the HighestLevel just like you did with colonel.
--- Quote from: jay209015 on July 31, 2008, 03:42:13 AM ---Add:
[1] = "superadmin"
[1] = "admin"
at the top of your groups_to_promote right above colonel, and that should fix your problem, because any group with a value of 1 doesn't get promoted.
Also add them to the promote_to table as the HighestLevel just like you did with colonel.
--- End quote ---
But wouldn't that let people be promoted TO the admin group?
EDIT: i tried it anyways, not it won't rank anyone up. Check the attachment.
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