Ok so I installed the newest version of ulx on my 6 man gmod server and I have the server.ini set up so it says 2 different messages in chat but only 1 shows up and I have it set up right I think here's what it is right now if someone can fix this is it shows up please tell me.
// Adverts
// addCsayAdvert <msg> <r> <g> <b> <repeat_time> <length> [<group>]
// addAdvert <msg> <repeat_time> [<group>]
// addCsayAdvert puts adverts in the middle of the screen, addAdvert puts adverts in the text area.
// You can use %host%, %curmap%, and %ulx_version% in your message and have it automagically parsed for you.
// If you specify a group, adverts in that group will run sequentially instead of simultaneously. EX:
// ulx addAdvert "This message is run first" 10 a
// ulx addAdvert "This message is run second" 10 a
// ulx addAdvert "This message is run third" 10 a
ulx addCsayAdvert "You're playing on %host%, enjoy your stay!" 100 255 200 300 10
ulx addAdvert "Want to set a title for your self? Type in console: ulx title <title>" 100 255 200 300 10
ulx addAdvert "Want admin? then go to http://chiefrunningwater.com/ and donate $10 or more and get permanent admin on this server." 100 255 200 300 10