Author Topic: ULX Conflictions With ArocScript  (Read 2359 times)

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Offline NikolaiResokav

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ULX Conflictions With ArocScript
« on: July 11, 2008, 07:40:02 PM »
Hello everyone. I am requesting help with a bug that ULX seems to be causing while running on our community server with our script that we have been coding. We are currently running a beta version of our script (ArcoScript), and we have installed ULX as the main admin mod for the script, mainly due to the user friendly interface and the ability to define levels of access based on user groups. I should also point out that ArcoScript is a Serious Half Life 2 Roleplay game mode that we have been coding for a while now.

So the problem we are experiencing is that when we install ULX, it causes the /me ranges to be broadcasted as global chat, instead of with the range that we have defined. The script coders can't seem to see what the problem is, so we are coming here to see if this may be fixable. In case you do not know what /me is used for in roleplay and why this is a large problem on our part, I shall clarify below.

Only read this section if you are confused as to what my problem is:
The /me is a chat command used in RP to act out actions (but you can use it almost anywhere now, not just in RP). For example, if I typed /me eats some cake it would show up as Nikolai Resokav eats some cake. The reason that this is a large problem for us is that when you use /me anyone can see it no matter how far you are away from the player who is using the /me. /me is meant to only be heard locally and is usually used for player to player actions, and with it being broadcasted globally it could lead to meta gaming and can very effectively ruin the quality of Roleplay.

So if you have any idea on why ULX is causing this bug with our script, or if you may have a fix please contact me either on these forums or our community forums, or add me on steam at mercenary550, help is appreciated as it helps us improve our code and make it more compatible to things like ULX. We are really looking forward to using ULX due to its user friendly interface and how easy it is to set up user groups with specific permissions.

Thanks for reading this long post. All help is appreciated.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 07:53:51 PM by NikolaiResokav »
Nikolai Resokav

An Error Has Occurred!

array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given