Author Topic: Stools/Sweps/etc... for specific usergroups  (Read 2220 times)

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Stools/Sweps/etc... for specific usergroups
« on: July 28, 2008, 02:48:25 AM »
I am curious if there is already an addon for ULib that adds this functionality:
I have a number of groups on the server.  I want only specific groups to have access to specific things, such as different groups would have access to different specific sweps, stools, etc... and so forth.  Basically I am needing something akin to the admin only tag you can add in the files, but for specific usergroups, so if others tried to give themselves a certain weapon, or spawn a scripted entity, or tried to select a certain tool, it would just do nothing.

Offline JamminR

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Re: Stools/Sweps/etc... for specific usergroups
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2008, 07:24:50 PM »
I'm not sure how far Megiddo or SPbogie have come on enhancing toolallow/deny to limit to groups or groupallow/deny to limit stools and sents.
You may wish to check those out from the ulx help menu in console and see if they've been enhanced.
We keep saying we're going to do it, but, we've all been extremely busy.

I also just searched the forum from the front page for "limit stool" and found this.
If you're not afraid of Lua, you might find it handy.,3392.msg10623.html#msg10623
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