Robdog, you may wish to research a bit more.
Though I'm not positive, I'm pretty sure Jay based his limits system on UNoLimited v2 (a release I made based on some code floating around that Megiddo had originally done (complicated tree, yes, but, we all work together to make great stuff)).
In UnoLimited, groups can be set to multipliers of the original sbox limits.
So, if sbox_maxprops = 10, user multiplier 1 = 10, respected 1.5 = 15, admin 2 = 20 (those groups are examples, you'd have to set them in a config)
At least, I thought Jay added that feature. He was asking me about it one night some months ago.
Couldn't get it in his head for a few seconds why I was using multipliers... it's cause multipliers allow for changing server limits real time, and still allowing the groups to have more than set on the server without changing configs.