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URestrict [Depreciated-author no longer supports]
--- Quote from: Tommo1590 on April 11, 2011, 07:48:43 AM ---Hey guys,
I'm trying to restrict the use of some vehicles so users cant use them but whatever i add in urestrict they are still able to spawn them...
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What gamemode and addons are you using, and is ULib up to date? If it's not sandbox, have you tried sandbox? Do other restrictions work (props etc)?
Yea server is running sandbox, ULib is the latest version and it seems its not working for any props/entities BUT is working for weapons...
This addon has been broken for a while, currently it only effectively works for restricting/ crating player weapon loadouts. There is someone who may be taking up the job of re-writing it in the future.
To stop props from being spawned, you can use this code:
--- Code: ---local models = { "models/Effects/splode.mdl", "crane_frame.mdl" } --All or part of model name.
local function blockPropsEffects( ply, mdl )
for _, v in pairs( models ) do
if string.find( mdl, v ) then
return false
hook.Add( "PlayerSpawnProp", "blockProps", blockPropsEffects )
hook.Add( "PlayerSpawnEffect", "blockEffects", blockPropsEffects )
--- End code ---
Put it in a new text file, name it whatever_you_want.lua and place in ../garrysmod/lua/autorun/server
OK i added this svn file to server
i restarted my server
i joined and typed URestrict in to console
Unknown Command: 'URestrict'!?!?!?!?!
--- Quote from: killforfun on June 10, 2011, 06:16:54 PM ---OK i added this svn file to server
i restarted my server
i joined and typed URestrict in to console
Unknown Command: 'URestrict'!?!?!?!?!
--- End quote ---
Perhaps read the thread a bit before posting?
One page back, perhaps understandable you missed it.
--- Quote from: jay209015 on February 18, 2011, 06:44:15 AM ---I'm am sorry to inform you, but I will not be supporting this plugin.
I encourage that anyone capable pick this project up.
I do not have to time or resources to continue developing for Ulysses for the time being.
I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to .
I sincerely apologize for leaving everyone in the dark and being absent on the forums.
I had big plans for this project, but life got in the way. I would like to see someone be able to make something of it.
--- End quote ---
However, this one, the last post before yours, shouldn't have been missed.
--- Quote from: krooks on April 13, 2011, 08:39:33 AM ---This addon has been broken for a while, currently it only effectively works for restricting/ crating player weapon loadouts.
--- End quote ---
Now, on to help you find your way back to the light.
You may wish to see URS BETA
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