I tried "ulx debug" in console
It's "ulx debuginfo"
You must run this from your server console, not the game. You're web host should have one.
If not, use rcon. It will place a file in /data/<i forget where under there>
This server is running Spacetech's Pet Mod. Type /spm for available commands
If an older version of Pet mod, it may be grabbing chat commands. Have you tried them from game console? "ulx <command>"
There's nothing else in there. Do I need to bring the users.txt like the one in my garrysmod/settings directory text to the bottom of that?
NO. Don't copy gmod/settings/users.txt to gmod/data/ULib/users.txt
IF you do anything, copy gmod/addons/ULib/data/ULib/users.txt to /gmod/data/ULib/users.txt, but, even that shouldn't be necessary.
Once you've properly run adduser from game console, that file should get created automatically (and I believe even if not added any users.
As our file in addons states, never edit any of the addon folders/files. Those become virtual when Gmod is run.
If editing anything, make sure its gmod/<folder that would normally be under addons/modname>
Still, other than placing a motd.txt in gmod/ and an edited server.ini in gmod/cfg, we don't recommend editing any of our files.
I'm just trying to add myself. For some reason I have ULX in singleplayer, and that works
Do you have the pet mod, or any other script that monitors chat commands, in singleplayer?
We've seen many scripts that monitor chat commands break ours due to bad programming practice (usually inexperience)
It's an online server,
I take that as being dedicated.
Listen = server run from a game "Create multiplayer" option.
Dedicated = run from an srcds.exe application, either through a host or from another pc.