Author Topic: ULX help, superadmin access..  (Read 28285 times)

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ULX help, superadmin access..
« on: October 05, 2008, 04:43:13 AM »
Hey, sorry for taking your time, but I have some issues.. (GMOD)

I've read and searched for days about ULX admin help and still I don't understand..

I am running a dedicated server, I have ULX and Ulib installed properly.

Well to the problem, when I join my server it welcomes me with "Hey Empty (my name), your in the superadmin group blabla

I have access to the admin props and entities, and that I'm happy for.

When  I try something easy like !slap or !menu, it only says "You don't have access to this comman, Empty".

So, ok.. I tried to type in ULX userallow Empty !slap for instance.. The console tells me that I have access, but still it tells me that I don't have access for it when i try to use it (I have tried to reconnect to the server, and restarted the server)

so I just like try ulx userallow empty ulx slap
then i get this message:

User "Empty" doesn't have access to "ulx"
so I do this

 ulx userallow empty ulx
(ADMIN) (Console) granted user "Empty" access to "ulx"

and I'm granted slap... but it still tells me "You don't have access to this comman, Empty."  -.-  Can't use !menu or anything..

Here's my debuginfo:

ULX version: 3.31
ULib version: 2.21
Gamemode: Sandbox
Map: gm_construct
Dedicated server: true

Currently connected players:
Nick                            steamid            id lsh created
Empty                           STEAM_0:0:1917022  1  n   2205

ULib.ucl.users (#=2):
   marcus flysjö:
      type   =   steamid
         1   =   admin
      id   =   STEAM_0:1:18718870
      pass   =   
      type   =   steamid
         1   =   superadmin
         2   =   superadmin
      id   =   STEAM_0:0:1917022
      pass   =   
         1   =   !slap
         2   =   ulx

ULib.ucl.groups (#=5):
         1   =   ulx hiddenecho
         2   =   ulx rcon
         3   =   ulx luarun
         4   =   ulx cexec
         5   =   ulx ent
         6   =   ulx adduser
         7   =   ulx adduserid
         8   =   ulx removeuser
         9   =   ulx userallow
         10   =   ulx userdeny
         11   =   ulx addgroup
         12   =   ulx removegroup
         13   =   ulx groupallow
         14   =   ulx groupdeny
         15   =   overcomeimmunity
         1   =   admin
         1   =   ulx seeasay
         1   =   ulx logecho
         2   =   ulx logfile
         3   =   ulx logevents
         4   =   ulx logchat
         5   =   ulx logspawns
         6   =   ulx logspawnsecho
         7   =   ulx logdir
         8   =   ulx addgimpsay
         9   =   ulx addadvert
         10   =   ulx addcsayadvert
         11   =   ulx addforceddownload
         12   =   ulx debuginfo
         13   =   ulx voteecho
         14   =   ulx votemap2successratio
         15   =   ulx votemap2minvotes
         16   =   ulx votekicksuccessratio
         17   =   ulx votekickminvotes
         18   =   ulx votebansuccessratio
         19   =   ulx votebanminvotes
         20   =   ulx votemapenabled
         21   =   ulx votemapmintime
         22   =   ulx votemapwaittime
         23   =   ulx votemapsuccessratio
         24   =   ulx votemapminvotes
         25   =   ulx votemapvetotime
         26   =   ulx votemapmapmode
         27   =   ulx votemapaddmap

ULib.ucl.authed (#=3):
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   steamid
         1   =   superadmin
         2   =   superadmin
      account   =   empty
      id   =   STEAM_0:0:1917022
         1   =   !slap
         2   =   ulx
      uniqueid   =   1723875656
   Player [1][Empty]:
      type   =   steamid
         1   =   superadmin
         2   =   superadmin
         3   =   superadmin
      account   =   empty
      id   =   STEAM_0:0:1917022
         1   =   !slap
         2   =   ulx
      uniqueid   =   1723875656
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   steamid
         1   =   superadmin
      account   =   empty
      id   =   STEAM_0:0:1917022
         1   =   !slap
      uniqueid   =   1723875656

Garrysmod default file (#=2):
      empty   =   STEAM_0:0:1917022
      empty   =   STEAM_0:0:1917022

Active addons on this server:
Amraam Addon             by Mike C. (Foda), version 2.5 ()
Combine Mortar           by RabidToaster, version 1 (29th March 2007)
counter-strike           by Valve, version 1 (5th August 2006)
day-of-defeat            by Valve, version 1 (22nd August 2006)
default_sent_pack        by TEAM GARRY, version 1 (3rd December 2006)
derma                    by , version 0.1 (17th July 2007)
for_allah                by Stingwraith (thanks jtl, Kogitsune, and others for help), version 1 (26th February 2008)
FragGrenadeLauncher      by (null), version 1 ((null))
Fusion-Bomb Gun          by MattDaPcWiz, version 1.1 (Today)
GCOMBAT08                by Q42, version 1.1 (TOFRIGGINDAY)
hl2_ep2                  by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
Iron Man SWEP            by Kliker, version 2.4 (2008)
Nuke Pack 4              by Nuke and TNT by Teta_Bonita, Atomic Bomb by Doomsday, Model Changes by Sgt.Napalm, RayFanMan (RayFan9876) and Hamster, Entities list and Spawn Icons by Sgt.Napalm and RayFanMan (RayFan9876), Nuke_effect_air, nuke_var_inits and nuke_blastwave changes by RayFanMan (RayFan9876), version 4 ()
Parachute                by thegrb93, version 1 (1st March 2008)
phoenix-storms           by PhoeniX-Storms, 1/4 Life, hunter, joebloom, scragnog, x-quake, Xeon133, PelPix, version SVN (20th May 2008)
portal                   by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
RocketLauncher           by Pac_187 + BlackNecro, version 3 (21th January 2008)
tf2                      by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
ulib                     by Team Ulysses, version 2.21 (06/08/08)
ulx                      by Team Ulysses, version 3.3099 (06/08/08)
wire                     by Wire Team, version 0.9.6 (25st March 2007)

I noticed that I'm in serveral superadmin groups..:p

Hope I was clear enough. Thank you

Offline Empty

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Re: ULX help, superadmin access..
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2008, 04:58:03 AM »
Hey okey an update, I now removed myself from superadmin, and put me back in there, so its only one admin group for me, if it makes any difference,,
well i typed

] ulx userallow empty ulx
(ADMIN) (Console) granted user "Empty" access to "ulx"

] ulx userallow empty "ulx menu"
(ADMIN) (Console) granted user "Empty" access to "ulx menu"
Empty: !menu

It said something in oranagecoloured thingy to the right ingame  someting with "nil value"  and i got a tiny box on the screen.. with an X on.. pressed it and the disappeared .:p

so allowed me with !adminmenu
and it worked, kinda, got the menu .. but if i pressed anything.. what do know.. you dont have access to this command empty...

Offline JamminR

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Re: ULX help, superadmin access..
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2008, 09:27:21 AM »
FYI - The "Hey Empty (my name), your in the superadmin group" is done totally by Garry's Mod. If you added yourself to "gmod/settings/users.txt" properly for any group, it would say that, and if admin or superadmin would give you access to the admin tools.

ULX would state somthing like "[UCL] ULib authed" (I forget our exact authentication message.)

Now, on to ULX.
It seems the fact you've tried adding yourself in different ways has somehow corrupted the users (and maybe groups) storage files of ULib.
Our Ulib users.txt file has you two times, one with a name with a space in it. Though that in itself shouldn't be a problem, it does have you twice and may be due to the space.
How did you add yourself to /settings/users.txt .. using "marcus flysjö"? Or using Empty? Make sure you're not typing your name twice in that file. Or adding your name to two or more different user groups. (That is, don't put your id in superadmin and admin in the /gmod/settings/users.txt)

I recommend you shut your server down, make sure your users.txt file is clean in /settings/users.txt, only having you once, using 'empty' as the only entry.
Delete the gmod/data/ULib folder. (Make sure you NEVER edit /addons/ULib/data/ULib files .. if you're going to try to edit, make sure it's /gmod/data/ULib (and we don't recommend that until you know what you're doing)) If you DID edit /addons/ULib/data/ULib files, re-install ULib
Now, once you've deleted that /gmod/data/ULib folder, restart your server, join.

Test a command from chat or console. "!menu" from chat. If nothing, "ulx menu" from console and see if you get anything. If you get only a motd option, run debug info again and post here. DO NOT try adding yourself to any other group. DO NOT try adding any access to commands for yourself. As a superadmin, you have access to all commands already.
DO post your /settings/users.txt file for us too.

Which brings us to our next tip.
Always use the format when your giving LOWER access groups (admin, operator, any that don't inherit superadmin)
ulx userallow "<name>" "ulx <command>"
Not !<chatcommand>
Not "ulx"
All people who join the server will have bare minimum "ulx" access if files aren't corrupted.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 09:31:48 AM by JamminR »
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Re: ULX help, superadmin access..
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2008, 12:24:40 PM »
Thanks for the fast reply, and very well formed reply =)

I was dumb and had my self as admin and super admin in the garrysmod/setting/user.txt
And yes I did creat an user.txt in the data/ulib file, never touched ulib/data/ulib file, got the message in the txt :)

so I deleted the data/ulib folder from hlserver/gmod/data/ulib, and my steam folder,; Yupp I did the same for my dedicated server folder as in my steamfolder, just to be sure it would be right.

I deleted me from "admin" group in my txt file, and removed me from ulx superadmin, then put me right back in there, and it works perfectly :)  tried some commands, all worked, so thank you again, I realy respect your help. Oh and the Marcus flysjö. I just added him ingame wit ulx adduser "marcus flysjö" admin   so that he could use the admin weapons =)

I guess this post will help some other ppl if they have the same issue

My user.txt now:





"Empty" "STEAM_0:0:1917022"




"user2" "STEAM_0:1:7099"



Tanks again =)

Offline JamminR

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Re: ULX help, superadmin access..
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2008, 04:36:44 PM »
You're welcome, and thank you for following the instructions in our FAQ "Need help with access?"
You gave several details you had tried, which helped show what might be going on, and you also posted the debug info which showed us that there was a corruption in the way ULib saw you as an admin.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming