I've pretty much eaten all my issues. (My last problem was that I <censored> up the Lua on an entity for my server). Now I'm looking for a few things.
1. A team/group system for my server. (Sandbox/Spacebuild)
2. A motd generator. I don't know anything about HTML >.<
3. Admins. I only have one person I can trust on the server that is an admin already. If anyone wants to volunteer.
4. Someone to help me with coding. I'm a noob at coding >.>
You can eMail me at
avelmin@hotmail.com or contact me with steam ([CPP]Katie<3). Also post on this thread. I don't mean to make this a one post thread by giving contact information.
[Edit-JamminR] - Keep it clean please. We try to keep a family-friendly environment