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UJoin Sounder
Plays a sound to people who join your server
Current Version: v1
* Doesn't require ULib or ULX
* If more than one sound is in the table, picks a random one to play.
* Only plays the sound once they've obtained Steam authorization
* Won't follow them to every server, only servers that have this installed will play
* Create file/Copy the following code into <your_server_path>gmod/lua/autorun/Ujoin_sounder.lua
--- Code: -----Quick dirty script for playing sounds to players who join your server.
--Edit to your hearts content. Rewrite it better. I'm not going major release with it.
--See below where to edit/add sounds. If you use CUSTOM ones, make sure your player has them (Forcedownload, etc)
--I used GCFScape for looking at what sounds are available. You may use Google.
local UJoin_Sound_Ver = "[UJoin Sound] - v1 loaded"
if SERVER then
local UJoin_sounds = { }
--=========EDIT HERE===========================================================
-- *Note* There is a ~255 character limit to one full sound path. Place trailing comma.
UJoin_sounds = {
--==========Don't edit below here (unless you know how) ========================
MsgN( UJoin_Sound_Ver )
AddCSLuaFile( "autorun/UJoin_Sounder.lua" )
function Send_Some_Sound( ply, steamid )
umsg.Start( "UJoin_sound", ply )
umsg.String( UJoin_sounds[ math.random( 1, table.getn( UJoin_sounds ) ) ] )
hook.Add("PlayerAuthed", "SendASound", Send_Some_Sound)
MsgN( UJoin_Sound_Ver )
function UJoin_Play_sound( um )
UJoin_snd = um:ReadString()
util.PrecacheSound( UJoin_snd )
surface.PlaySound( UJoin_snd )
usermessage.Hook("UJoin_sound", UJoin_Play_sound )
--- End code ---
Very simple script at the request of a few I've seen in the threads here at Ulyssesmod.net
I've included a few fun sample sounds that I thought would work as greetings.
Other than GCFScape, I've found no comprehensive list of sound paths on the web. If you know/find one, please post the LINK here.
*NOTE* - This will not work in singleplayer or offline servers.
Sweet. Good work.
Very nice :)
I use custom sound entrances for certain people in my server, I use a modified version of Gjoin
Wow! Thanks JamminR, going to try this out tonight, thanks again
Do you know anyway to make this so it could possibly play the sound while the game is loading instead of after the player is in the server, i probably sound crazy but ive seen it before and i really wish i knew how to do it.
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